Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 185: Lend you a thigh hug


A loud bang came out far away, and the Tuoba bird thought he was dead. He closed his eyes in an instant, but turned his mind and turned over, holding a stone pillar with his hands.

After a while, it finally vanished, and Tuoba Bird unexpectedly found that he was still alive. When I opened my eyes and looked at it, the first thing that caught my eye was that Ye Chuan had a smirked face, and the terrible dog-headed stone puppet fell to his side. It was already dead and motionless, and there were countless bodies full of stones. The crack seems to have been smashed by a huge warhammer.

Seeing that the Tuoba bird is going to be unpredictable, I stopped at the slow-moving Ye Chuan and finally shot.

The first pass swallows the sky, the dragon is proud of the nine days; the second pass is the scorpion, the scorpion is under the blood of the sea; the third is the scorpion, the Buddha is alive; the fourth is the water-like swallowing the sky, the blue sea and the sky. The four swallows of the hustle and bustle tumbling together, the strength of 72,000 kilograms suddenly broke out, and the huge dog head stone smashed out of the leg, and the body exploded with a punch. Liu Hong and others dazzled a half-day flying sword attack, not as good as his punch!

"Yes... are you saving me?"

The Tuoba bird is unbelievable. The big guys Lu Da and Liu Hong are the same. Although Ye Chuan has long been known, this punch is too fierce. This is the strength of a monk practitioner. What?

Impossible, definitely what went wrong, is the dog head stone couple just exhausted themselves, or the hidden treasures hidden in Ye Chuan!

Liu Hong shook his head and did not believe that Ye Chuan really had such terrible power. Just a punch, I am afraid that the masters of the late stage of the monk did not have such great power, and the real world master is still almost the same. Has Ye Chuan broke into the real world? Obviously no, one or two small realms may be concealed, but the monk and the real world are two very different realms, no one can hide.

Some of the Tuoba birds can't believe it. They don't believe in the strength of Ye Chuan. They don't think that the last moments of adventure will save you and Ye Chuan.

Every time this kid is ridiculed and ridiculed, the hostility to Xuan Dingmen is so deep, how can he save himself?

"Well, I saved you. Saying, Madame, can you loose your hand? I have been holding it so tightly, still holding my thighs, my legs are not sour, the key is that I will be embarrassed. In this way, at night, isn’t it... cough, even if you really have a house in the cave, do you want to pay attention to it?”

Ye Chuan smiled at the Takuya bird, looking sad and smiling.


The Tuoba bird was once again screaming. It was only then that it was not a stone pillar, but a thigh of Ye Chuan. The small but strong double peak just attached to Ye Chuan’s thigh. The body temperature of each other can be clearly sensed.

In the past, the boy who saw Ye Chuan left and looked right was not pleasing to the eye. He even hated to bite his teeth. Now he is holding tightly on the thighs of the people. How do you see people?

The bird's heart is like a deer, and he is ashamed of himself.

"Little bird girl, there is such a chance next time, you can come to me again, I don't mind the leg." Ye Chuan smiled and flew to a rock.


The Tuoba bird was ashamed and angry, but he just owed Ye Chuan a big man's feelings. How do you save this life?

Tuoba bird is a bit big, and she knows that she will meet Ye Chuan. She simply does not care about this drowning, and she stays at Xuantingmen for peace.

"Ye Gongzi, you are so powerful, it really is hidden. If you are not there, we are in danger. Can you tell me what is your mystery?" Liu Hong floated over and smiled. Look up and down Ye Chuan to dig out his secrets.

"Which is mysterious, I will stretch my legs and knock down this big guy. It will crack itself." Ye Chuan replied.

In the face of Liu Hong, who works on both sides of his mind, he is naturally not stupid to tell the truth. Just a punch, the speed is too fast, no one can see the details, even if Liu Hong sees it clearly, he will not admit it.

Liu Hong will be suspicious, but look at the dog's head stone puppet with cracks in his body, and suddenly his heart moves.

The stone-headed dog head stone gun is not infinite, the eye is its biggest flaw, but under the warning of Ye Chuan, Liu Hong discovered another flaw of this big guy, that is, legs. When the legs are broken, the strength is big, and how can the dog's head stone be able to become a target that cannot be moved?

Liu Hong’s eyes brightened, and the grasp of Wan’s beast forest increased greatly.

"Master sister, there is something inside, there is something in the body of the stone couple, come on, come see!"

"It's a rune spar, master sister, fast!"

The two brothers Nashan and Nashui suddenly screamed in unison.

Liu Hong's body swayed, stepping on the flying sword, squatting down and taking a closer look, slowly plunging into the chest of the dog's head stone. Exploring for a while, smashed a humanoid crystal, there are many runes on it, not so much a rune spar, it is better to say that it is a crystal villain.

"Oh, this is... is this a prefecture-level exercise?"

Liu Hong, while pondering, tried to handcuff a road to the law, and he was so excited that he was so excited.

At first glance, the crystal villain is engraved with runes, but if you carefully ponder it, you can see that it is a lot of French seals, and it is a powerful practice.

In the wild world, the practice of cultivation is divided into four levels: heaven and earth. Different from the long-standing cloud fog, Xuan Dingmen and Wuyimen are newly emerging martial art. Although in recent years, the ups and downs of the sky have overshadowed the cloud sects, but their own connotations are not deep. Most of the exercises in Zongmen are yellow. Level and metaphysical exercises. Inadvertently got a prefecture-level martial arts, even Liu Hong, the five-door martial arts lady, could not help but be overjoyed.

Liu Hong suddenly closed his mouth and held the crystal villain tightly.

A very real problem is in front of everyone.

There are six people in the group, but there is only one person in the crystal. The two brothers, Nashan and Nashui, who are respectful and respectful, do not say that there are big men, Lu Yingkui, Tuoyu Xiaoya and Ye Chuan. How do you divide this?

It’s hard to make a publicity of this prefecture-level work that is not easy to get, and can’t be cultivated together?

Liu Hong is somewhat guilty. A land-level method is placed outside. It is definitely a high price, and it can set off some **** rains. Something she already holds in her hand, and then handed it out to everyone to practice and ponder, this is obviously not her style. But if you want to be occupied by one person, how can you convince others?

Liu Hong's eyes circulated, and secretly looked at Tuoba and Ye Chuan.

The big man Lu said that if you just find an excuse, you can perfuse the past; if you have a weak foot, you can’t say it, but the key is Ye Chuan. Can get rid of the dog's head stone to find this crystal villain, Ye Chuan's last blow is a great achievement, it is difficult to perfuse him. What's more, who is Ye Chuan, step by step to kill the position of the Yunzi Zongda disciples, and quickly settle the civil strife, such a person is so perfunctory?

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