Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 137: Gentleman does not move his mouth

"Hou, really want to fight?" Ye Chuan asked.

Hou Yuanchang has already violently gone, but he still smiles like an outsider, a leisurely look.

"Hit, don't die, boy, come on!"

Hou Yuanchang was angry and stepped forward again. The nine-ring knife in his hand kept vibrating and brewing a fatal blow. "Come, kid, let you see what is the lore of the demon gate. Today, I only use one. Hand, let you three strokes can kill a cockroach ant like you crushed you!"

"Can't you fight?"

Ye Chuan stood still, and the tone of euphemism seemed to be begging for mercy.

"Right, don't fight, don't fight."

The fat man Zhao Dazhi nodded in no effort, pulling Ye Chuan to prevent him from playing.

This battle can never be played. Once you open it, it will all be finished!

"Kids, there is a kind of stand up, start!"

Hou Yuanchang’s voice was hoarse, and he looked at Ye Chuan, who was standing still, and he couldn’t play, and he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. Again and again, again and again, shouting and killing the light to fight thunder does not rain, the breath has weakened by three points.

The two agreed to end, this is a contest, even if a knife cut Ye Chuan into two, the blame on the top of the demon gate is also shirked. But Ye Chuan stood still and rushed to kill him with a knife, the nature changed, and his father could not shelter himself!

Hou Yuanchang was angry and angry, but his heart was still not bright and he did not completely lose his mind. He just kept provoking Ye Chuan to end.

"There has been an old saying since ancient times. The gentleman does not move his mouth. If you don't do it, don't shout and scream. This is a manifestation of barbarism and vulgarity." Ye Chuan smiled and looked at Hou Yuanchang, who was anxious, and sharpened his sharpness. Hou Ye, or else, let's sit down for a cup of tea, play chess, and decide on the chess game. Can you look good?"

"You..., put your mother's shit! Kid, the cloud sects are so boring, are they so garbage?"

Hou Yuanchang was so angry that he had to vomit blood, and he waited for a long time in the posture. Finally, he drank tea to play chess. This is a joke. Do you want to mix it in the sky?

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chuan's eyes narrowed.

"Put your mother's shit, your kid's garbage, the whole cloud is a garbage!"

Hou Yuanchang was really mad, and screamed. "Come, there is a skill to stand up and fight a battle. Houye, I only use one hand, let you make three moves, no, let you six strokes, can't kill you, I don't want to be surnamed!" ”

"Well, as you wish, I will let you both hands, and let you ten strokes." Ye Chuan said faintly, and came out.

Outside the hospital, the people who watched the bustle were all stunned.

Let a hand, that is to support the big, let both hands, how is this going on?

Both hands do not move, how to kill? Kicking?

Looking at Ye Chuan who stood up and fought, the demon disciples and the servants looked at each other.

"Master, don't, Master..." The fat man chased after him, to stop Ye Chuan from playing.

"Fat, say, you have no confidence in the master?" Ye Chuan smiled and reached out and pushed the fat man. Then, put his hands behind his back, indicating that he would not start, and looked at Hou Yuanchang and said: "Hou, finally, once again, don't you can't do it? According to the seniors, I am your teacher. Right, if you win, you won't win. If you kill you, it's not good to tell your father."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Shibo, you will kill me. So many people look at it, it really kills me, it is my own useless!"

Hou Yuanchang's face was stunned. If he hadn't finished talking, he rushed up and slashed it to Ye Chuan's neck. The force is fierce and screaming. At this moment, he waited for a long time and could not wait for it!

"The first move."

Ye Chuan’s voice faintly sounded. When the Jiuhuan knife was about to cut his neck, he fluttered to the side and escaped Hou Yuanchang’s critical hit.


Hou Yuanchang was unexpected. I didn't expect Ye Chuan's speed to be so fast, his face was cold, and he caught up to launch a storm. The moves are getting faster and faster, and the strength is getting bigger and bigger. For a time, the yard is slashed. The leaves in the yard were rolled into the air, and then they were smashed in half by the fierce knife. Followed by, the knife flashed over, a piece of fallen leaves became four small pieces..., getting smaller and smaller.

Demon knife!

Hou Yuanchang is a monkey-like model, and he is not a singer. However, the one-handed knives are not badly practiced, and the power is fully developed. The power of this enchantment is revealed. Under the cover of his knife, let alone a leaf, that is, a mosquito must be cut in half. However, Ye Chuan did not lose any sense, walking freely in the criss-crossing knives, and the faint sounds sounded one after another.

"The second move!"

"The third move!"


The voice of Ye Chuan came one after another.

The onlookers were amazed, and the face was incredible. The fat man and the guardian Yang Tianye were the same.

Ye Chuan, he..., did it really happen? Not only did he take the initiative to carry his hands, but also in turn let Hou Yuanchang ten strokes?

Everyone has wide eyes, and it is incredible to blink your eyes from time to time.

Hou Yuanchang is not a master in the Tianmen Gate, but it is also the elite of the younger generation of the younger generation. Ye Chuan has only two monks in the district. How did he do it?

In the eyes of others, Ye Chuan's footsteps are very casual, but every time he has cleverly and skillfully escaped Hou Yuanchang's attack. The latter's offensive is fierce. Like the tide of the sea, a wave is higher than a wave, and the one-handed knives are cultivated with perfection. When I got outside, a master of seven monks was not so easy under Hou Yuanchang's knife. However, for Ye Chuan, this is no big deal.

Nowadays, Tianhuimen is like the rainbow to win the world's first sacred door. It is not only inherited for a long time, but also has many lofts passed down from generation to generation. It is this many lore, which has spawned generations of generations. Master. But little known is that many of the exercises that have been passed down from generation to generation were still passed down to the Blue Demon by Ye Chuan, and the latter passed on to the first generation of disciples of Tianhuimen. Among them, it includes the demon knife that makes many demon gates stunned.

Hou Yuanchang's one-handed demon knife practice is very good, but unfortunately, his blade is biased, even the body is slightly swayed and even a look in the area, Ye Chuan knows what he is going to do next, and it is naturally easy to dodge. Hou Yuanchang is a cultivating for another hundred years, a thousand years, and the accomplishments in the lore of the knives are also far below Ye Chuan.

"The tenth move, well, time is up, Hou Ye, lie down."

In the criss-crossing knives, Ye Chuan’s voice came again, followed by a mouthful, and a small knife in the air. Then, Hou Yuanchang, who had a strong offensive, suddenly fell to his throat with his throat, and a trace of blood leaked between his fingers.

The gentleman does not move his mouth, but he can't kill if he doesn't say a gentleman, and his mouth will also die!

When Hou Yuanchang was unprepared, Ye Chuan opened his mouth and squirted the blade hidden in his mouth. The demon knives that have been passed down from generation to generation by the demon gates are profound and profound, and the inch of the clouds and ghosts handed down by the king of medicine is much simpler, but more deadly!

"Boy, you..., you..."

Hou Yuanchang raised his **** right finger and pointed to Ye Chuan. He wanted to say something, but he could never say it. His head slammed into the side and died. Someone quickly stepped forward and pulled the other hand on his throat, only to find that his throat was cut, and the skull and torso were only connected with a thin layer of skin, even if there was a legend. Xiandan is also weak.

Awesome killing!

Onlookers of the demon of the demon, Qi Qi heart shocked.

The inch manpower method is so explosive, and it is said that all the forces are erupted between the rulers, and the three swallows are accompanied by the force. The force of 54,000 kilograms burst out and blessed on the small blade. Not to mention Hou Yuanchang, the neck of a war giant can not stand!

"Hey, I have already said that it is enough to play tea and play chess. If you want to die, why bother!"

Ye Chuan shook his head and turned and walked away, leaving a horrified crowd.

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