Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 860: I long

At the moment, he was paddling the plank and heading towards the distant land ahead.

Just before dawn, Ji Qingming moved his hands very mechanically towards the front.

Until the night, the sky was dark.

Ji Qingming just arrived at the shore, a shore, he didn't have much strength, and he fell to the shore as soon as his eyes went dark.

When she woke up, she was already lying in a dilapidated house.

A dim oil lamp was lit on one side.

Ji Qingming turned his head and looked around, only to see an old lady walking over tremblingly.

"Girl, are you okay!?"

Looking at Ji Qingming, the old lady touched Ji Qingming's head again with her hand.


Ji Qingming replied, only then did he feel how unpleasant his own voice was, and his throat was about to explode.

The sound is also ugly.

"Grandma...she woke up!"

At this time, a black, a little stout girl came in, still holding a thick porcelain bowl in her hand.

Seeing that Ji Qingming had opened his eyes, it was just that the porcelain-white face was still blushing.

"I went to get a fishing net. I saw you and brought it back for you... After I brought you back, you all had a fever... Fortunately, the old man in our village is very powerful!"

The stout girl said with a grin.

Then he walked to the front of Ji Qingming, and handed the bowl in his hand to Ji Qingming.

"This is the fish soup I just made. Drink it while it's hot!"


Ji Qingming sat up and thanked him.

"Your throat is a bit dumb, don't talk yet!"

The girl chuckled, she looked at Ji Qingming a little strangely.

She gave Ji Qingming the clothes to change. When she came back from the rescue, there were still some jewelry on her ears, neck, and even her hair, which looked expensive.

"My name is Heihua, I will wash your clothes for you, and your things, I will tidy them up for you and put them aside!"

Heihua touched her nose and looked at Ji Qingming.

The way she eats is so good-looking and delicate, she looks like a pretty lady.

"thank you!"

Ji Qingming took a sip of the soup and looked at Heihua gratefully.

Now except to say thank you, she doesn't know what to say.


Heihua stood by and told Ji Qingming about the things here.

After drinking a bowl of fish soup, Ji Qingming felt warm and warm.

"Okay, Huaer... let Qingming sleep! Only you talk a lot!"

The old lady stretched out her hand on Hei Hua's body and patted it.

"Oh, grandma... I see, this is not just someone talking to me, I'm happy!"

Heihua smiled happily.

She stood up, "I live in the next room with my grandma. If you have something, call us!"


Ji Qingming smiled and nodded.

Heihua blew out the oil lamp and helped the old lady out.

Ji Qingming looked outside, the faint light shone in, and slowly closed his eyes.

Everything, let's accept the plot first.

The girl she traveled through was named Ming and Qing Ming, the daughter of the prime minister, who was talented and talented since she was a child.

The reputation is far-reaching, and the threshold of courtship in the family has been crossed.

These people, Ming and Qing Ming did not look in his eyes until one day, her carriage was startled and met the general who had saved her...

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