Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3494: Concubine Seeking Fairy 15

Why are you pushing yourself up so busy now!

"Qingming...Huxin Island is only entered at the level below the fetal breath. If a person with a high level of cultivation wants to enter, a person with a low level of cultivation must be brought in, otherwise it will be backlashed."

Sun Piaopiao explained.

In this blue secret island, the fetal breath can come in, and it is divided into low-level places and high-level places.

High-level ones naturally go to high-level places, and the same goes for low-level ones.

Where high-level people want to go to low-level places, certain rules will also appear.

This is an eternal law, and everything is restricted.

Hua Qingming nodded after hearing her explanation, but now frowned again. The problem is that she doesn't want to go!

Walking with such a stunningly talented big brother, in case the other seniors in the sect knew about it.

Will his support team tear her up?

Just thinking about it makes me feel very troublesome.

"Let's go!"

Mo Zhuochen sacrificed his long sword and stood on it. Sun Piaopiao pushed Hua Qingming again to let her go up.

Hua Qingming had no choice but to send an arrow on the string.

She had to jump on his sword, and after she stood firm, Mo Zhuochen drove the sword forward.

The current Hua Qingming also has spiritual power. Standing on this sword, he can also stabilize his body.

Soon I arrived at the island in the heart of the lake, still dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Even a person who cultivates immortals has a good ear and eyes, but because there is a large area here, it is dark, and you can't see anything, this will be so.

"Okay, come down!"

His cold voice rang in his ears.

Hua Qingming returned to his senses and walked down from his sword.

He walked on the ground with his feet, with indescribable stability.

"You go ahead."

Mo Zhuochen stood behind her.


Anyway, it's already here, Hua Qingming nodded and walked toward the front.

Mo Zhuochen followed behind her.

The two walked in tandem, Hua Qingming couldn't see anything, but he could hear the sound of wind and water, which proved that there was not only a cloud of darkness.

Hua Qingming walked slowly towards the front, suddenly felt that she was stomping on her feet, and there was nothing in front of her.

Between waving his hands, he also felt as if there was nothing to hold.

At this time, a warm hand suddenly held her hand.

It's Mo Zhuochen!

At least there was a powerful person around him, Hua Qingming didn't move anymore, but with that powerful force, he kept falling-falling down.


In the end, he fell into the water, and his body hurt from the splash of water.

She opened her eyes slowly, and then she could see everything in front of her clearly.

Sure enough, the light was restored before his eyes.

"This is the island in the lake!"

Mo Zhuochen faintly said such a sentence, then he jumped up, and then stood on the shore.

He used a cleansing technique on himself, and soon, he was a beautiful young man again.

Hua Qingming also quickly got up from the water, stood on the shore, and used a cleaning technique, which quickly became completely new.

"You go ahead."

Still the same as before.


After all, it was in a bright place, and Hua Qingming's heart got a lot of fit, and he walked toward the front step by step.

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