Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3460: Princess Maid 98

Song Jinling outside 1.2.3.

Premature birth, when you are born, your body is relatively weak.

Growing up slowly, her physique is not very good. She has been a pot of medicine since she was a child. The brothers and sisters in the family dare not provoke her, for fear that she will be uncomfortable or have any trouble.

When she grew up... and after she got married, her parents never talked to her about marriage.

She knew that in the future, her own marriage must be the kind of high-definition.

The low ones don't like them, and the tall ones...probably won't like people like her.

If she hadn't met Lu Zhiting, she felt that she would have been like this in her life.

After meeting Lu Zhiting, I felt that the original heartbeat was like this.

It turned out that blushing really felt like burning.

It turns out... There are many original...

I thought that the relationship between them was basically impossible.

But they didn't expect that they were still together. Perhaps no one would believe this kind of thing.

Mother felt that he could treat himself as long as he would not be angry, as long as he was happy.

She married her, perhaps the worst in the house.

At least those concubines are married to Juren and the like, and they are all talented.

After she married, these sisters seemed to think that she was very pitiful.

Married to a businessman, as a businessman, she is naturally comparable to their talented ladies and juren ladies.

Every time, when something happened, they went back to their parents' house together, they all looked at her with pitying eyes

This day is Chinese New Year.

It was also the first year after she got married. When she returned home, the younger sisters looked at her with such pity.

Song Jinling only smiled, life is like a person drinking water, knowing her coldness and warmth.

Only you will always know what your day is.

She knows what she wants and what she needs, and she doesn't care what other people are saying about her.

As long as you know it, you have a clear conscience.

"Sister, how are you now?"

The younger sister, who was born, has appointed a talented person, and she will be married in the beginning of the year.

After all, Mrs. Song treated them very well and didn't treat their marriage harshly. She also found a wishful man. No matter how bad, she is much better than her older sister.


The eldest sister who was married before also frowned and asked, she was also a concubine.

It’s also direct, Song Jinling’s health is not good, after all, her family is here.

When it's not good, the family of Gonghou doesn't want it. Isn't it okay for the ordinary kind of talents?

I married someone earlier, and I am also the wife of a ninth grade official.

My sister is really...

Ladies and gentlemen, they are all grieving for her.

"I'm fine!"

Song Jinling is helpless, is it true that he really wants to marry a high school?

The other sisters looked at Song Jinling and suddenly found that she seemed to have a better complexion than when she was at home, with her skin glowing like pearls.

Wearing a flying fairy bun and wearing pink pearl jewelry on his head, I have never seen this style.

The clothes he wears have soft fox fur on the neck and cuffs.

It was fiery red, it looked beaming, and it was very affectionate.

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