Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3447: Princess Maid 85

Red Maple reported carefully.

"Lu Caijin!"

Feng Xuanyi frowned, saying this name, how could it be Lu Caijin.

"You and Qingye have been looking at Lu Caijin very well during this period of time."

Feng Xuanyi also remembered what happened to Huayan before.

Although he is pro-big brother, sometimes, for other women, maybe, he will really do unforgivable things.

"Yes, master!"

Hongfeng nodded quickly, and after Feng Xuanyi left, she hid in the dark again.

But when she just hid her shadow in the dark, when she looked up, she saw Lu Qingming's window and moved slightly.

Could it be! ?

There was a moment of suspicion in Hongfeng's heart. She flew to her front. Just when her finger touched the window, Lu Qingming opened the window inside.

"Are you the one sent by Brother Xuan Yi to protect me?"

Lu Qingming asked directly without being muddled.


Hongfeng has been here to protect her for a long time. Seeing that she treats the maids, she is kind of gentler, but your questioning look now.

Although there was a smile at the corner of his mouth, there was a sharpness in his eyes.

She is really an extreme woman, maybe she and the master are a good match.

The master feels that he is also a gentle person, but in fact...

"There should be another person!?"

Lu Qingming asked again.


Red Maple was secretly speechless, no matter how it was guessed.

"Do you like it on the bright side or in the dark?"

Lu Qingming asked her.

"Protect you?"

Hong Maple was a little surprised.


"Like bright places..."

Hongfeng answered truthfully. After all, in a dark place, it is not very convenient to stay outside and eat in the latrine. More importantly, although they can martial arts, they are also human.

The wind and sun, rain and hail, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it is really getting more and more unbearable.

"Well...I have two second-class maids beside me, you can come in in the Yaxing tomorrow!"

Lu Qingming knew it right now, and felt that Feng Xuanyi was the same, so he could just tell himself no?

Is it fun to be so sneaky?

"Thank you, Miss!"

Hongfeng immediately bowed.

"Tonight, don't stay outside, sleep in the warm room! There are refreshments on the table, take it and eat!"

After Lu Qingming said these words, he turned and entered the house.

Red Maple was very moved, walked into the greenhouse and found some cakes in the plate on the table.

She walked over, ate two yuan, and sat on the floppy side.

By the time Lu Qingming got up the next day, Hongfeng had already left.

"Miss, did you get up to eat yesterday?"

Bailing looked at the plate of milk cake on the table and it was gone.

"Well, did you eat it!"

Lu Qingming recognized it.

Lu Qingming went directly to the room to find Zhang's breakfast together, and said that he really wanted to have two more maids.

The Zhang family also had this intention. Lu Qingming was about to get married soon, and there were too few maids around him, and they were not attractive.

Now that Qingming took the initiative to mention this, Zhang was still very happy.

At the moment, I sent a mother to find the dentist that I often look for.

Soon, Yaxing brought people over.

Red maple and Qingye are mixed in it.

Originally, Lu Qingming only knew Red Maple, but when he saw Qingye, he was slightly taken aback. He turned out to be a twin sister.

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