Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3442: Princess Maid 80

When Xiucai took the woman's embroidery and went to sell it on the street, she was entangled in the faceless little widow again.

I have to say that the Xiucai touched her and refused to admit it.

People on the street will smile when they see this. Xiucai, the rotten peach blossom, is also quite unlucky.

Originally, this was just a common thing, but after being caught up with Huayan, it immediately became a big deal.

When Hua Yan heard it, in this broad daylight, she was still molesting women here.

At the moment, indiscriminately beat up the talent, she hates this kind of scumbag the most.

Before she traveled, she was a housewife, although she was also a bonkers and a housewife before returning to the family. Because of too many trivial things, she was not raunchy. In the end, her husband raised a college student outside. She was talking with When a man was theoretical, he was pushed into the traffic and was hit to death by a car.

That's why Huayan hates scumbags the most. Seeing these men, she can't wait to be frustrated.

Before she was in Beijing, she also helped others to do a few good things.

In the end they all became good friends.

This time I saw it, and it was even more so that the celebrity was beaten up like a human, and the bones on his hands and legs were shattered.

The woman hurriedly called the doctor. The bone in her right hand was smashed and the treatment was not good. Even if it was cured later, even if she was reborn as a genius doctor, she would no longer be able to hold the pen in the future.

For a talented person, this quilt is over.

The Xiucai was still preparing to end next year, when he heard the doctor's words, he fainted even more.

The woman followed Huayan's trail.

"Go and ask Princess Zhao'an to come over!!"

Mrs. Song yelled, and let someone call someone first.

The woman who was kneeling there was shocked when she heard this name.

Oh my god, it was a princess alone. Is there no way out in the future?

"Don't worry! I will give you an explanation."

Mrs. Song comforted her. I heard earlier that Princess Zhao'an liked to roar when the road saw injustice, but she often did things wrong.

When she was in Beijing, Nan'an Wang and others kept rubbing her fart. Now Nan'an Wang didn't come with him, and such a thing happened directly.

It’s okay for you to hit someone at will, it’s still a talented person, it’s really...

When you come out, you always need to pay it back.

"Thank you madam!"

The woman listened, nodded, knelt there and said nothing.

"Madam, the princess has left through the side door, and they have left a message, they will ask a genius doctor to save people."

The butler said to Mrs. Song respectfully.

"Let's go back to the house first and tell the master about this matter."

Mrs. Song frowned, planning to leave with Song Jinling first.

"You go back first! This matter will definitely be solved for you."

Mrs. Song soothed the woman again.

"Here is a hundred taels of silver. Go back and find some good doctors for treatment first!"

Zhang's let people prepare some silver again.

"Thank you, ladies!"

The woman kept kowtow, full of excitement.

The woman and her family all left in a splash.

Mrs. Song and others also said goodbyes one after another. Finally, Zhang Clan took Lu Qingming's hand and said softly, "This Huayan is really like a monster, it is really terrifying."

Lu Qingming lowered his head to listen, but did not speak.

In the next few days, the entire Yangzhou city was in a mess.

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