Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3437: Princess Maid 75

Master Song was full of praise.

"I want to go back quickly, and write down all these thoughts quickly and submit them to the emperor."

Master Song was a little excited.

"Okay, I'll take the adults back!"

Lu Zhiting was also very happy and took the initiative to invite Ying.

When Master Song arrived at the door, he turned his head and blinked at Lu Qingming.

"Let's go back too!!"

Feng Xuanyi took Lu Qingming's hand. Lu Qingming was startled slightly, nodded, and then looked at the maids around him, all of them were beaming.

Sitting on the carriage, Lu Qingming's head rested on Feng Xuanyi's shoulder.

"Isn't it tired!?"

Feng Xuanyi asked aloud.

Looking at her eyes are closed, head a little bit.

He stretched out his hand, put his arm around her shoulder, and hugged her in his arms.


Lu Qingming closed his eyes and responded, indeed a little tired.

Leaning in Feng Xuanyi's arms, it was very comfortable, and there was an elegant aura on his body.

Feng Xuanyi looked at her face, smiled, stretched out his hand and gently stroked her shoulder.

The two of them were not talking, and Feng Xuanyi took Lu Qingming back, and went back by himself.

As soon as Lu Qingming got home, he went to take a shower. Amber and the others were still wringing her hair, anyway, she fell asleep in the end.

When I got up the next day, my neck felt a little sore.

"Miss, Madam wants you to go!"

Humber watched her wake up, and said quickly.


Lu Qingming nodded, letting them wait for the dressing.

"Sister Pearl has been standing outside for a while, just waiting for the lady to get up."

Bai Ling rubbed pearl ointment on her face and said softly.


Lu Qingming got it right and went to the room.

Seeing Zhang, he was walking around.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Qingming walked up and asked aloud.

"I received a greeting note at home. It belongs to the prefect wife."

Zhang handed a hot stamped greeting note in his hand to Lu Qingming.

Lu Qingming took it and took a look at the post. It was written that they are coming to the house.

"Mother, why are you so nervous? This is a good thing."

Lu Qingming smiled slightly, and looked at his mother, so nervous, she didn't know what to do.

"Isn't this the first time I have seen such a big official wife?"

Zhang sighed.

"It's okay. Didn't the second brother also tell you? Those things we planted are very appreciated by the prefect. He wrote the memorial and sent it up. At that time... the prefect might still think this promotion!"

Lu Qingming sat down and ate the snacks on the table.

"so good?"

Zhang still didn't believe it.

"Mother don't believe me, you can continue to look back, I'm hungry!"

Lu Qingming asked her for something to eat.

"Pearls won't be given away!"

Looking at Lu Qingming's appearance, Zhang also knew that he was too anxious.

Called Lu Qingming over in such a hurry.

"Already ready!~"

Pearl is not such a lack of eyesight. When Lu Qingming just came in, she had already let the kitchen sit down and eat.

"The kitchen made sweet potato porridge and some side dishes, and brought a cage of soup dumplings."

Pearl asked the little maid to put the food on the table.

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