Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3435: Princess Maid 73

With this voice, a person who was over half a hundred years old came over.

Feng Xuanyi humbled beside Lu Qingming, saying that this was the prefect.

Hearing that it was the prefect, Lu Qingming also took a look. The prefect is also very old, and he is not the kind of treacherous person when he looks clear.

"You are?"

Huayan frowned at him.

"I am the prefect of Yangzhou, this;... The Lu family just went to tell me that I had written a memorial to the emperor of the book."

Master Song looked at Hua Yan neither humble nor humble.

"Then...that's good."

Having said this... Hua Yan frowned and looked at Lu Qingming again.

"I just asked you why you said these are eaten."

How could this woman, such a villain, actually trip her up, how could this kind of person deserve the upper hand Xuan Yi.

"The princess asked me why? I said I ate it myself... After all, my second brother brought me back to eat these things. Although I found these good crops, I kept them for seeds, and the rest are also It's going to be eaten by me."

Lu Qingming looked at her with a face of wonder, and didn't think he was wrong.

"It seems that this princess misunderstood you!"

Huayan snorted coldly, regretting a bit today, and didn't bring the thrush out.

I disdain to do this kind of thing, but Thrush...

Lu Qingming, right? you can.


Huayan snorted again, turned and left.

After she left, the atmosphere obviously improved a lot.

"Master Song!"

Feng Xuanyi walked to the prefect and saluted.

Lu Qingming was also a courtesy.

"No courtesy, the two of you are really talented and beautiful!"

Master Song stroked his beard and laughed haha.

He was very happy, this matter was a great thing, and he reported it, which was of great help to his academic achievements.

I thought that my whole life would be like this, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

"My lord, thank you!"

Feng Xuan Yiqian gave in.

"These are the food?"

Master Song walked a few steps forward again, watching the tenant farmers dig these things out of the soil, and the corns were also broken off one by one.

There are piles on the ground, which looks very gratifying.

If all people planted these, would they not starve to death when disaster strikes?


Lu Zhiting answered aloud.

"When I listened to you, your sister asked you to do this."

When Master Song asked this, his eyes turned to Lu Qingming.

"It's the sister-in-law."

Lu Zhiting nodded and bowed his hands in a salute.

"How did you think of it?"

Master Song looked at Lu Qingming with a gentle look, and asked again.

"I'm not afraid of adult jokes, I like to eat some food, my brother will go out often, I will let him bring me food... These things are brought back to eat for myself, but I did not expect that the survival rate will be so The output is amazing."

Lu Qingming was a little embarrassed when he said this.

"It turned out to be like this! Hahaha... It's really unintentional."

People are full of spirits at happy events, and encountering this event is really a big happy event for Master Song.

"The adults and the brothers went to the river to talk about it, stay here for dinner in the evening, and eat the sweet potato and potatoes at that time."

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