Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3411: Maid Princess 49

"Brother Xuan Yi!"

Lu Qingming turned around and saw Feng Xuanyi standing behind her.

But as soon as her gaze touched the bracelet in her hand, she instantly came back to her senses.

"Can't I get rid of this thing?"

Lu Qingming asked.


Feng Xuanyi responded.


Lu Qingming snorted coldly, then turned around and left.

"Qing Ming!"

Feng Xuanyi reached out and took her hand.

Lu Qingming stretched out his hand to shake it for a long time, but didn't shake him off.

"where is my present!!"

Feng Xuanyi asked for a gift.

Lu Qingming was helpless for a while. What happened? He was forced to wear such an inexplicable bracelet and wanted to return a gift?


She stared at Feng Xuanyi and realized that he was just one kind of him. If you don't give me a gift, I won't let go.


Lu Qingming had to call the handmaid on one side.


Amber stood hurriedly. She was originally standing here watching her uncle and the young lady flirting. It was kind of fun, but in the blink of an eye, the young lady started yelling to herself.

"Go and get that belt."

Lu Qingming's hand was still held tightly by Feng Xuanyi.


As soon as Kohaku heard that it was this, his heart came immediately.

Quickly went into the yard.

Feng Xuanyi also gently let go of Lu Qingming's hand.

"I will go to the farm in a few days."

Lu Qingming was afraid that he would go away when he came to find himself later.

"Go to the farm? The one on the outskirts?"

Feng Xuanyi asked aloud that Lu's family has many farms, but the most comfortable one is the one in the suburbs. It occupies a vast area, and the most important thing is that it is surrounded by water.


Lu Qingming nodded.

"Why are you going to the outskirts in a good way?"

Feng Xuanyi frowned and asked.

Immediately, as if thinking of something again, "Are you going to escape the heat? Not enough ice at home?"

Feng Xuanyi asked many questions one after another.


Lu Qingming shook his head, and then said again, "My brother brought me a lot of seedlings before. I want to go to the farm to cultivate it myself and see if something can grow out?"

"Brought it back outside."

Feng Xuanyi also went out to sea, and knew that there were many things overseas. Hearing that from Lu Qingming this time, he suddenly became curious again.

"When I nurture it, come and see!"

Lu Qingming didn't hide anything from him either.


Because of her lack of hiding, Feng Xuanyi's heart was warm.

"Miss, I brought things..."

In Amber's hand, he came over with a belt, and saw the two of them talking and laughing from a distance.

She walked for a long time, but she couldn't go on in small steps. Only then did she get to the two of them.

"You did it for me!?"

Feng Xuanyi took the belt and looked at the dark blue color, with golden embroidery thread on the side. On the ground in front, there were two eagles flying face to face.

These two eagles, embroidered by her superbly, made people feel chills in their hearts when they looked at them.

"I like it very much!"

Feng Xuanyi retracted the belt and leaned toward Lu Qingming again.


Lu Qingming nodded, the original owner's embroiderer was very good, and he started embroidering at the age of five.

It has been more than ten years since I learned it now. Naturally, she is very good, not to mention that she is still a master of Su embroidery.

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