Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3404: Princess Maid 42

"Come... Brother, eat!"

Feng Sisi smiled and gave Feng Xuanyi something to eat, and then secretly watched Lu Qingming smile.

Lu Qingming is also your decent and generous, watching Feng Sisi winking.

So in the end, Feng Sisi and Lu Zhiting both felt that it was only the two of them who were embarrassed.

The two parties did not seem to have any strange emotions or thoughts.


Feng Sisi really felt that she had lost to these two people. She knew that her brother liked Qingming very much, otherwise she would not ask herself to invite Qingming to swim together.

"Second brother...I want to go out to see the moon, you come and have a look with me!?"

Feng Sisi approached Lu Zhiting and asked with a smile.

The family played together as a small family, so Feng Sisi was also called with the same name as Lu Qingming.

Originally, Lu Zhiting didn't want to go, after all, she was left here alone, like a sister who was like a flower and a jade, and there was Feng Xuanyi who was like a wolf and a tiger.

But in the end they were dragged out by Feng Sisi, and the two of them were left in the cabin.

"Qing Ming..."

Feng Xuanyi sat beside Lu Qingming and looked at her flowery face.


Lu Qingming responded and nodded.

"this is for you!"

As Feng Xuanyi spoke, Lu Qingming felt a cold on his wrist, and then he arrived at a transparent bracelet, which was just worn on his wrist.

"Why do you wear this bracelet for me?"

Lu Qingming looked at Feng Xuanyi with puzzled eyes.

And it's a transparent bracelet. What kind of material is this one?

Crystal? glass?

"This bracelet will change color according to a person's emotions."

Feng Xuanyi said lightly.


Lu Qingming suddenly became calm, what kind of ghost is this, it can spy on people's emotions, this is very dangerous, not good.

Thinking about it, Lu Qingming also looked at the bracelet, only to see that the bracelet had already changed, slowly turning pink.

"I don't want this!!"

Lu Qingming frowned. This bracelet is not good. If it really shows people's emotions, it would be terrifying.

Feng Xuanyi just smiled.


Seeing Feng Xuanyi smiled, Lu Qingming became more uncomfortable, it was really damnable.

Probably because of her anger, the color of this bracelet is really getting redder.

It was originally a light pink, but now it has become a deeper red.

Therefore, Lu Qingming believes that this bracelet can dial into people's emotions.

She stretched out her hand to fiddle with this bracelet, but this bracelet, as if it would shrink, couldn't open it anyway.

"Feng Xuanyi..."

As soon as Lu Qingming raised his eyes, he saw Feng Xuanyi's calm look, and he became even more anxious. With her anxiousness, the color of this bracelet became deeper and deeper.

"You're so cute!"

When Lu Qingming's patience reached the zero point, Feng Xuanyi suddenly laughed again.


Lu Qingming did not speak, but stared at Feng Xuanyi in a daze.

"How can there be anything in this world that can dial into people's emotions?"

As Feng Xuanyi said, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Lu Qingming's head twice.

"what does that mean?"

Lu Qingming was slightly startled, with a pair of water eyes, continuing to stare at Feng Xuanyi.

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