Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3399: Princess Maid 37

Zhang was very happy when she saw Lu Qingming pass by, and she beckoned quickly.

"This is the most popular style in Beijing. It is said that it is very popular among ladies. See if you like it or not."

Zhang originally wanted to give Qingming a surprise, but now that he saw that Qingming was already standing in front of her, he didn't want to say anything about surprises.

Come to think of it, Qingming must be very good-looking.

Lu Qingming looked at the clothes held by the maids.

You know the style and the trick, and this one comes from Hua Yan's handwriting again.

These are a combination of ancient and modern China and foreign countries. Even though she has traveled through such a world and seen many clothes, now that she has obtained this clothes, it is indeed very beautiful, and she can't get it out.

Huayan is also amazing.

"try it yourself!"

Zhang kept urging, the clothes were very good-looking, but her daughter was also very good-looking.

Wearing these clothes, you can definitely wear a very beautiful look.


Lu Qingming went into the inner room and put on his clothes with the help of Amber.

"Miss is so beautiful!!"

Amber looked at Lu Qingming, and her eyes suddenly brightened. The young lady looked good, and she was even more dazzling in this kind of clothes.

In Humber's admiration, Lu Qingming walked outside, and Zhang and others kept complimenting.

"Mother, I have something to discuss with you."

Lu Qingming changed his clothes and washed his hands before sitting in front of Zhang again.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang asked aloud.

"Second brother came back outside and gave me some seeds. I want to go to our farm to plant it. It happens to be summer, and the weather is so hot... Living on the farm is also a summer escape."

Lu Qingming said carefully.

"You girl... live there, how can I rest assured."

Zhang quickly shook his head and refused. Although the farm is in her own home, it is still some distance away from Yangzhou City in the outskirts. She is definitely not at ease. She is such a charming daughter who is raised in a deep boudoir. Uneasy.

"Mother, the farm is all our tenant farmers, besides, when I go, I will take some nursing homes with me. It will definitely protect me."

Lu Qingming stretched out his hand and shook Zhang's arm.

"No way, no way!"

Zhang shook his head, this must not work.

She felt very unsafe just thinking about it. If she went to live in the farm, she would definitely not be able to sleep all night.

"Mother...or else, let the second brother follow me."

Lu Qingming had an idea, and quickly took Lu Zhiting out for use.

"This... let me think about it!"

Zhang is reluctant to disappoint his precious daughter, Lu Zhiting! At the very least, he often went out, so he was very relieved of Lu Zhiting.


Seeing Zhang's behavior, Lu Qingming knew that he would definitely get what he wanted.

"Mother, you know, I always like to plant something, this time you must promise your daughter."

Before leaving, Lu Qingming took Zhang's hand again and swayed.

"I will discuss with your father, and then make a decision. Don't hold on to hope!"

Zhang couldn't bear to disappoint her.


Lu Qingming nodded, then took the maid back.

In the evening, Pearl came to invite her to have dinner at the top, and Lu Qingming guessed that it must be a success.

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