Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3394: Princess Maid 32

Feng Xuanyi's hand touched her shoulders, her silky silk shirt was very thin, and she could feel the temperature on her body, and her heart throbbed even more.

"I'm leaving first. In a few days, I will ask my sister to invite you to swim in the lake."

Feng Xuanyi knew that he could not stay any longer, and quickly stood up.

God knows how much power he just used before letting go of his hand.

" be careful, you are still injured!"

Lu Qingming got up from the bed and escorted him to the window.


Feng Xuanyi saw her stand up, and it was still backlit, and the coat on her body was very transparent. The red bellyband inside her became clearer, and she could even see her buds in bud.

"I am leaving!"

Unexpectedly, his face blushed, and he flew out the window quickly.

"Suddenly so urgent."

Lu Qingming looked at Feng Xuanyi's figure inexplicably for a while, and then disappeared.

The window opened, and the hot wind outside came in bursts of wind, and Lu Qingming closed the window hurriedly.

Then he walked back to the bed and lay down on the bed, with waves of chill coming from the ice basin on one side.

The heart that had been messing up was also slightly relieved.

Is this kind of golden female protagonist rare?

What are you afraid of?

Yi Gao people are bold.

There are more worlds to travel, and Lu Qingming also doesn't care, she believes that man can conquer the sky.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingming also fell asleep without knowing it.

The next day she just got up, went to Shangfang, had breakfast with Zhang, and returned to Fangzhong, and she and the maids cut clothes for Lu Zhiting.

After a day's work, the rudiment of the clothes almost came out.

However, when embroidering, Lu Qingming didn't use artificial hands. He did it all by himself.

She guessed that Feng Xuanyi would definitely come.

After the maids had left, he opened several Ye Mingzhu and sat there embroidering.

When Feng Xuanyi opened the window and came in, what he saw was Lu Qingming's very gentle and peaceful side.

The figure is like a willow, sitting there, beautiful like a picture scroll, the porcelain white face, in the brilliance of the Ye Mingzhu, shines with a different color.

"You came!"

Lu Qingming smiled and raised his head, her eyes seemed to be shining with peach blossoms.

"I am coming!"

For some reason, looking at Lu Qingming in front of him, Feng Xuanyi suddenly had the illusion that he was returning home.

He is the husband who is out, and she is the wife who is waiting at home.

"What are you doing? It's still embroidering at night, it's not good for your eyes!"

Feng Xuanyi walked closer, only then did he see what was in her hand.

"It's okay, I'm waiting for you anyway."

Lu Qingming put down the things in his hands and poured him a glass of water.

"Do you know I will come over?"

With a smile on the corner of Feng Xuanyi's mouth, he sat down and took the cup in her hand.

"Yes, I feel it."

Lu Qingming smiled and nodded. In his eyes, the long stars gathered into a dazzling light. In short, this dazzling light made Feng Xuanyi slightly startled.

"what happened to you?"

Lu Qingming watched him blankly, with his mouth slightly bent, and continued to embroider the clothes.

"there is nothing……"

Feng Xuanyi looked at her hand as if he was doing a man's clothes.

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