Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3378: Princess Maid 16

Lu Qingming said to Zhang's.

After she said these words, Zhang's expression was still not worried.

The expressions of Lu Caijin and Huayan changed.

Resentment flashed in Huayan's eyes, but she had to lower her head and couldn't say anything.

Lv Caijin couldn't say anything either.

If he talks about anything now, Huayan's fate may only be his roommate.

But a person with Huayan's personality would definitely not agree.

Moreover, I didn't put her in such an inferior position.

At this time, the scene was very quiet.

Lu Qingming's expression is very indifferent.

If they insisted on saying something, Huayan's identity would not be elevated.

Become Lu Caijin's maid, what else can she do?

For her, the road in the future was completely blocked, and a person as smart as Huayan would naturally not do that.

Hua Yan knelt down and lowered her head, Lu Caijin's expression was also very ugly.

"Mother, please!"

Lu Qingming pulled Zhang's arm again.

At this time, the mother Zhang sent out came back.

The mother said a few words in Zhang's ear, and Zhang's face looked better.

"Okay, let me hear you clearly, this girl, in your yard first, if something happens in the future, you can sell it directly to me."

Zhang's final decision, this matter was so decided.

After encountering such a thing, Zhang's emotions went up and down for a while, and he was tightly stretched, but at this time it also eased.

"I'm going to take a rest, you guys go out first!"

Zhang squeezed his eyebrows.

The three brothers and sisters looked at Zhang's present state, and they didn't dare to say anything more, and left.

When he got outside the yard, Lu Caijin glanced at Huayan, feeling very uncomfortable inside.

Just now, Huayan was about to be sold, and she might help herself.

But because of Lu Qingming, Huayan is really farther and farther away from herself.

"Qingming, since there are so many maids by your side, what happened to you giving me Huayan?"

Lu Caijin's expression is not worried. If it weren't for Lu Qingming, Huayan is already free now.

"Brother... why are you still saying this now?"

Lu Qingming looked at him pretendingly.


Looking at her expression, Lu Caijin became even more angry for a while, and walked away.

It seems that this matter at the moment can only be described slowly.

"Qing Ming is not angry, second brother will go out this time to find you a better maid back."

Lu Zhiting walked to Lu Qingming's side to comfort him.

"I'm fine, second brother!"

Lu Qingming shook his head.

"You have to go out later, so be careful yourself."

Lu Qingming said softly.

"I see!"

Lu Zhiting said twice with Lu Qingming, and the two separated.

Lu Qingming returned to her room. Just as she sat down, Amber whispered a few words in her ear.

Lu Qingming nodded.

"Huayan, do you really want to go to your brother's place?"

Lu Qingming frowned slightly.

"No slaves."

Huayan lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

"It seems you are very upset by your expression."

Lu Qingming asked again.

"The slave maid...I am sincerely afraid that the lady will misunderstand the slave maid, and the slave maid will definitely not have two hearts."

Huayan said helplessly, she hated Lu Qingming.

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