Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3373: Princess Maid 11

But such a perfect person turned out to be Lu Qingming's fiance.

They are really unworthy at all. In ancient times, there were blind marriages, and they didn't like each other at all.

That being the case, she should be able to work hard.

Huayan lowered her head, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Brother Xuan Yi, let's go and set the river lantern!"

Lu Qingming looked at the big tree on this side, and there was an old man selling river lanterns.


Feng Xuanyi nodded, and walked forward with Lu Qingming.

Lu Qingming chose a pair of river lanterns for rabbits. The two lit the candles inside and put them in the river together.

Lu Qingming's hand gently moved in the river, causing the little rabbit's river lamp to go a little farther in front.

"So lovely!"

Lü Qingming looked at the lake, and there were some river lights dangling slowly, the lights were dim, and these river lights were like a chain.

"Well, it's so beautiful!"

Feng Xuanyi also nodded, but his eyes were on Lu Qingming.

Lu Qingming naturally noticed his gaze, and her face turned red.

"Okay, let's go to the store and eat something!"

Lu Zhiting said aloud from a distance, it was not that he was puzzled by style, but that he was really hungry now.

"Qing Ming, let's go!"

Feng Xuanyi whispered to Qingming again.

Lu Qingming nodded and followed Feng Xuanyi's side, and several people went to Lingshui Pavilion together.

Sitting upstairs by the river, blowing in the cool breeze, watching the lights outside, not to mention how beautiful it is.

Go upstairs and sit in the room that was set before.

Lu Zhiting also specially reserved a table for their maidservants. It was next door, and the three of them didn't have anyone to serve.

The three were talking and eating.

When he got to the back, Lu Zhiting suddenly said that he had something to do, and went out first.

There were only Feng Xuanyi and Lu Qingming left in the room.

"Today is Qiqiao Festival, this is for you..."

Feng Xuanyi opened a wooden box and took out a hairpin from it.

Lu Qingming looked at that hairpin was white jade, it was very smooth and smooth.

Although it is very simple, it is definitely not Fanpin.

"I will put it on for you!"

As Feng Xuanyi said, holding the hairpin, he stood up and inserted it into Lu Qingming's hair bun.

Lu Qingming originally wore not many things on his head. This hosta was inserted into it, and it was also very harmonious.

"very nice!"

Feng Xuanyi inserted the hairpin into her hair bun and praised it again.

"I have something for you too..."

With that, Lu Qingming took out the purse he embroidered.

Feng Xuanyi took it and looked at the purse, which was embroidered with fish and lotus leaves.

The color is very bright, and the fish's eyes are still inlaid with Dongzhu, vividly.

"Is there mint in this?"

Feng Xuanyi put the purse under his nose and smelled it lightly, it was very refreshing.

"Well, refreshing."

When he said this, Lu Qingming's mouth was filled with a smile.

Listening to Lu Qingming's words and the playful smile on her lips, Feng Xuanyi obviously knew what she was laughing at.

I had rushed back from a foreign country before and hadn't slept for a few days before...

It must be said by Lu Zhiting.

"You still have to take a little sleep in the future. Otherwise, your health will be bad."

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