Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3369: Princess Maid 7

The original owner’s wish let that black-hearted brother lose the right of inheritance, it is best to drive out of the family, as for the heroine Huayan.

She did not do anything to hurt Lu Qingming, but the last tragedy of Lu Qingming must be caused by her.

In the original plot, Hua Yan likes Feng Xuan Yi very much.

In case her status is improved, wouldn't she have to rob her husband.

She won't do anything, but she won't let Huayan go to Lu Caijin's side again.

After a while, Bai Ling had already returned, telling her that the things had been handed over to Lu Zhiting.


Lu Qingming nodded again, letting the maid begin to prepare food.

When he finished eating, Lu Qingming took a walk in the small courtyard again, and then he washed up and stopped.

On the second day, she went to the room to ask for peace, and had breakfast with Zhang and the others.

Later, he followed Zhang to the garden and played for a while. Zhang became a little tired and went back to rest.

Lu Qingming also went back to his courtyard.

As soon as he entered, Bai Ling handed over the colored glass box.

"Miss, this is from the Second Young Master."

Lu Qingming took it, took the embroidery needle, opened it, and looked at the paper with the scent of pine ink inside, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Xuanyi likes this kind of loose ink very much. She took the letter and opened it to read it.

"Qingming, do you think I can't open it? I have something to take with me, you can open it and take a look."

The letter is very short.

"Is this the only thing?"

Lu Qingming asked aloud.

"Yes, when the second young master sent it, there was only this."

Bai Ling answered truthfully.

"I'll go to the Second Young Master, Huayan will go with me!"

Lu Qingming went out, still taking Huayan.

After the two of them went out, the maids in the room looked at each other. The lady who was so good liked the beauty of flowers so much.

In fact, Huayan has changed a bit during this period of time. The previous Huayan didn’t like to talk, but he always had that sweet smile on his face, but the current Huayan is different. With a cold face.

Seeing people are thousands of miles away, and she has also turned away from them very much. The condescending look in her eyes is also baffling for a while.

As if she was so superior.

Because of this, there were not many people around Huayan to play with her gradually.

Because of this, Lu Qingming always wore a beautiful face wherever he went, and it also made them think.

Lu Qingming walked into Lu Zhiting's courtyard. She didn't ask the book boy to report, and went straight into Lu Zhiting's house.

Lu Zhiting sat there, lowered his head, not knowing what he was playing with in his hands.

Very fascinated, Lu Qingming walked in front of him, and he didn't even notice it.

"Second brother——"

Lu Qingming shouted.

"Oh, I was scared to death!"

Lu Zhiting was completely absorbed, because Lu Qingming's sudden sound was really shocked.

"Little girl, people are scary and scary!"

Lu Zhiting stretched out his hand and patted his chest.


Lu Qingming glanced at him sideways, her eyes wandering.

"Didn't the second brother have anything to tell me?"

Lu Qingming looked at him with a smile.


Lu Zhiting was a little embarrassed to be caught by his sister.

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