Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3363: Princess Maid 1

Ji Zeya walked in front of her and reached out to support her.

Seeing her expression, Ji Zeya guessed that it must be the reason for the mission.

Ji Zeya asked her to sit down against the wall, pinched her fingers, and a ray of light surrounded Ji Qingming's body.

In the light surrounding Ji Qingming, there are also snow-white petals, layered on top of each other.

Ji Qingming closed his eyes and sat in the light. There was a light and faint fragrance in his nose, and there was a kind of power all over his body.

This kind of power surrounds her whole person.

I don't know how long it has passed. After waiting until the white light disappeared, Ji Qingming opened his eyes gently.

"All right!?"

Ji Zeya walked to her, stretched out her hand again, and flicked.

"All right!"

Ji Qingming nodded.

"You are taking a break!"

Ji Zeya looked at her expression, not very good, and a little worried.

"It's okay, go on to the next task!"

She has received A Jin's one soul and four souls, and two souls and three souls, and A Jin can come back.

Although after so many things, my desire for revenge has become faint, but my mother and brother both died so miserably.

She won't let go of the dog and the man, the grudge still has to be reported, but A Jin did it for her.

A Jin is also the one she truly loves. If she doesn't save him back, her heart will always be up and down.

When she thought of this, her mood became particularly heavy. Just thinking about it... her heart seemed to be cut by a sharp knife one after another, and it was very painful.

She wants to solve these things quickly...

"It's really okay!"

Ji Qingming raised his head and saw Ji Zeya's worried look, and waved his hand again.

"Okay... then you go!"

Looking at Ji Qingming's expression, Ji Zeya also knew that it would be useless to console herself.

He stretched out his fingers, and slices of flowers swept towards Ji Qingming's body, and Ji Qingming was quickly surrounded by the petals.

Soon, Ji Qingming disappeared here.

When she opened her eyes, she was sitting on a stone bench with her chin resting on her hands.

She sat upright, looking at the scenery in front of her, pavilions, pavilions, rockeries and water... flowers everywhere... exuding fragrance.


As soon as the **** the side saw her sitting upright, Huang Huo walked over.

"Go back, I'm a little tired!"

Ji Qingming squeezed her eyebrows, and looked at the surrounding environment, she was probably a lady of everyone.


Amber quickly held her elbow and walked to one side.

As Amber came to her boudoir, Amber waited on her to take off her outer garment.

She lay down on the bed, and asked Amber to guard outside again. She didn't need anyone by her side.

When he heard the sound of Amber closing the door, Ji Qingming closed his eyes.

Directly absorb the plot, this plot is...

The maid has been traversed. Before the traversal, she was a rich lady of the 21st century. She was proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

After crossing to the maid, she was not discouraged. With her own ability, she promoted sweet potato cultivation, invented two seasons of rice, and invented a series of things such as glass mirror, towel, toothbrush, and ice cubes.

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