Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3339: Daimeisei 57

Fang Yating twisted her body on purpose again, looking very helpless and weak.

"Bang——" Long Qingming had closed the door and entered.

Although he didn't get Long Qingming, Fang Yating in front of him still made Li Yanan's heart tremble.

"Am I tendering you!?"

Li Yanan quickly stood up, and reached out his hand to pull Fang Yating up again.

"I'll take you to my room to apply medicine, okay!?"

Li Yanan reached out and hugged Fang Yating.

After the hook was successful, Fang Yating felt ecstasy in her heart, and nodded pretending to be shy.

"Young Master Li..."

Originally planned to watch the lively Luo Wentian in the room, she couldn't stand still at this time, and quickly opened the door.

She had known that Fang Yating, the sorrowful fox, was making an idea, but she did not expect that she would be cut off by her here.

Luo Wen's sweetheart was already scolding her mother, but looking at Li Yanan's expression, she was still tender.

"Sweet, I know you are the best, this is your new sister... You will need to take care of her a lot in the crew in the future!"

With that said, Li Yanan passed by holding Fang Yating.

Luo Wen's sweet eyes were red, and she looked at their figures as she walked farther and farther, but she couldn't think of a way.

At this time, the door in front of him was opened.

"Isn't this feeling of lifting a rock and smashing yourself in the foot really cool?"

Long Qingming put his hands around his chest and looked at her with a smile.


Luo Wen's sweet eyes shot infinite hatred.


Long Qingming didn't want to talk to her, so he snorted and closed the door abruptly.

Luo Wentian stood outside the door, her face black and scary.

Long Qingming... Fang Yating is not a good person, and she will not let it go.

Long Qingming was a person who didn't care about the outside, and sat on the bed relaxedly, continuing to practice.

After the knot, Luo Wentian and Fang Yating can have no one to trouble her. Li Yanan is now being entangled by the two of them, and there is no time to bother Long Qingming.

Fang Yating's scene was over, and she left with Li Yanan.

With Luo Wentian left behind, the whole person is just like an abandoned woman.

Long Qingming still has one more thing to do.

At the back, there was another rivalry scene with Luo Wentian.

Luo Wentian's first female and Fang Tong's male lead are already together, and Long Qingming's second female is helping him heal his wounds.

The hero took off his clothes and lay there, Long Qingming was caught by Luo Wentian.

Luo Wentian stretched out her hand and slapped Long Qingming, when Fang Tong's hero woke up.

This is how it is written in the plot. It should have been a very simple plot, but because of Luo Wentian's public revenge, it became very creepy.

"You unexpectedly..."

Luo Wentian rushed in, her face was full of disbelief, she stretched out her hand and was about to slap Long Qingming.

How could Long Qingming not know her thoughts and thoughts, and immediately turned her face to the side.


Before Luo Wentian made any moves, the director had already called to stop.

"very good!"

As the director said, when he walked in front of them, he was also the first time he saw Luo Wentian grasp one or two roles so well.

Long Qingming lowered his head, a sneer flashed across his eyes.

Just now Luo Wentian's expression, but her own real feelings, how could she not act well.

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