Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3328: Daimeisei 46

Guan Chenfeng looked at her for a moment, like a little girl, holding an ice cream and licking it, she looked very cute.

He looked at the ice cream in his hand. Even though it was the color of the starry sky, he didn't look at you as healthy. It was like something that lied to a child.

He never knew how to eat this kind of thing, but seeing Long Qingming eating it, he suddenly wanted to do it.

The two of them walked on the street, the street lights were shining down, their feet stepped on the snow, and they made a creaking sound.

The snowflakes in the sky also fell one by one.

Obviously it is a very ordinary picture, but it looks so warm and natural at this moment.

In the cold and snowy weather, it was the first time that Long Qingming did this while pressing down on the road while eating ice cream.

When he got home, the little snowflakes that had been contaminated on Long Qingming's eyelashes turned into drops of water.

"Don't rub your hands!"

Looking at Long Qingming's eyes and stretched out his devil's claws, Guan Chenfeng quickly stopped her by drinking.


Looking at him, Long Qingming blinked his eyes without much movement.

"Use this to wipe!"

Guan Chenfeng took a towel and wiped it on her eyes.


Holding a warm towel and wiping his face, it is indeed much more comfortable.

"Take a bath and rest!"

Guan Chenfeng took the towel from her hand.


Long Qingming nodded, just after walking two steps forward, she could suddenly turn her head back.

"Tomorrow... well... well."

Originally, Long Qingming wanted to say that he had a smooth journey, but he also thought that something was wrong. The plane was traveling against the wind, and it would be bad if it was going with the wind.

"Oh, I see!"

Guan Chenfeng also nodded.

"I'm going to bed!"

Long Qingming turned around and left. She really wasn't very comfortable with this parting atmosphere.

Back in the room, he took a shower directly with his clothes, and sat on the bed to start practicing.

When she went out to search for food in the morning, Guan Chenfeng was no longer at home.

She had left quietly, she glanced at his pair of neatly placed slippers.

There was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth, and he went to the kitchen by himself, looked for something in the refrigerator, and cooked a bowl of very raw noodles.

Just after eating two bites, she received a call from Ye Xin. She said she was here and asked to meet.

Originally, Long Qingming wanted Ye Xin to come directly, but then she thought, Guan Chenfeng is such a cleanliness person. Before the photographers and the others came to talk about things, he cleaned it himself after they left for a long time.

In the end, it was decided that the two had an appointment at a fast food restaurant outside.

For people like Guan Chenfeng, Long Qingming was also convinced.

He is a Virgo, in general, although he is a little bit fussy, but also a bit critical, he has high demands on others, of course, he has higher demands on himself.

He does all the hygiene in the house by himself, and he never pretends to do it with others.

Because he felt that others did not make it clean, for these, he felt that others did not make it very clean.

Of course, there is another kind of Virgo, which is relatively annoying, that is, asking people to be like this, and then I actually haven't reached that height, but I am just asking others to do that.

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