Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3319: Daimeisei 37

Guan Chenfeng was very helpless. In the end, there was no way. There was still a set of clothes that was not photographed. Then just wait for the end of the New Year!

Long Qingming has been walking with Guan Chenfeng these few days. He really feels that his legs are going to cramp. He really has never seen such a person who pursues perfection.

"Qingming, my parents are abroad. Let's spend New Year's Eve together. Shouldn't we go to the supermarket to buy something to eat back!?"

The two of them have been getting along for a few days, and they have also become familiar with each other a lot.

Long Qingming also saw the characteristics of the Great Devil under Guan Chen's warm and gentle appearance.

Why did I think he was a very gentle person when I first saw him.

It's gentle there, ah! !

"It doesn't matter!"

Long Qingming put the book beside his hand on one side.


Guan Chenfeng took his coat right now and went out with Long Qingming.

Long Qingming walked to the door and watched him put the slippers in an arc.

Finally ten minutes later, the two drove out together.

"Are you a Virgo!?"

Finally it was too much to bear, Long Qingming asked aloud.

"Do you discriminate against our virginity?"

Guan Chenfeng looked very wronged, he glanced at Long Qingming.


Long Qingming felt very helpless, he was obviously the victim, okay?

Why suddenly turned into discriminating against him.

However, he is really a Virgo.

"I did not discriminate against you!"

However, Long Qingming felt that the atmosphere was a little serious, so he explained it aloud.

"That's good!"

In a blink of an eye, he returned to normal and continued to drive.

Long Qingming looked at him, baffled for a while.

How does she feel that she is a bit pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

It was already the day before New Year's Eve, and the supermarket was still crowded.

During the Chinese New Year, when I go to the supermarket, I feel like I don’t need any money, as if I have to vacate the supermarket.

Guan Chenfeng was pushing the car. He didn't know what to buy. He could only make Western food. Now looking at the supermarket, he really feels that the domestic New Year is really good.

It seems that only in the supermarket, you can perceive that kind of New Year's atmosphere.

"I buy some things, and we can cook and eat at home later."

Guan Chenfeng took the things and put them in the car.

Long Qingming also silently took some dumpling materials and put them in the car.

Bought fruits and drinks, and this is the end of this shopping in the sea of ​​life.

When he returned home, Long Qingming felt that he was going to be tired and paralyzed. Today's shopping was even worse than when he was independent on the mountain in high heels.

Long Qingming took off his shoes and lay directly on the sofa, not wanting to move.

Guan Chenfeng began to sort out all the things he bought back, and sorted out all sorts of items.

Watching Guan Chenfeng tidy up all the messy things he bought, she was completely amazed at this moment.

It's really amazing!

Virgos or obsessive-compulsive disorder are really powerful.

"What are you going to eat tonight?"

Guan Chenfeng stood behind the Liulitai and asked him.

He is very tall, and at this moment he is wearing a beige sweater, which is more gentle and elegant under the shining of the wall lamp above his head.


Long Qingming is really not picky about what he eats now, especially when he lives with Guan Chenfeng, he is really too clean.

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