Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3022: I accidentally met you 37

"It's nothing, do you think that others will misunderstand the two of us? Anyway, we have misunderstood. Now that you have left, there is not much influence."

Gao Zhan shrugged and spread his hands.

I don't know why, now looking at him, Huang Qingming feels like he is facing a difficult problem.

"What are you going to do!?"

"You be my girlfriend!"

Gao Zhan made another emphatically.

"Gao Zhan, I'm not playing around with you."

Huang Qingming is really powerless.

"Then do you think I was playing around with you?"

Similarly, Gao Zhan looked at her very seriously.


Well, anyway, now Huang Qingming doesn't want to say anything, just treat it as if she was defeated by Gao Zhan.

The two were silent for a moment.

In the evening, when Gao Zhan sent Huang Qingming back, there was another heavy snowfall in the sky.

The two had changed clothes upstairs in the hotel, and Huang Qingming got out of the car.

Martin's boots stepped on the snow and made a noise.

She closed the car door, "Go back and be careful!"

However, Gao Zhan got out of the car from the other side.

He walked in front of Huang Qingming again.

"Why do not you trust me."

He said these words thoughtlessly, and Huang Qingming was slightly startled.

"I said I like you, I'm serious, not kidding, why don't you believe me, don't you have any good feelings for me!"

Gao Zhan looked at Huang Qingming and suddenly felt very disappointed.

She is not the kind of person who plays love, why should she not believe in herself so much.

"I didn't believe you! It's just us..."

Huang Qingming looked at his expression, there was something weird in his heart, and for a while, he didn't know how to say it.

"Just what? You don't like me?"

Gao Zhan looked at her and knew it all at once.

He paused, then said softly, "Sorry!"

"Be careful on the road!"

Gao Zhan let her go upstairs first.


Huang Qingming turned around and went in. When she looked back, she found that Gao Zhan was still standing there.

Because of the heavy snowfall, Gao Zhan's body was covered with snow.

Seeing this, Huang Qingming's heart suddenly spread a trace of distress.

As if she didn't follow her own thoughts, she turned around and ran in front of him again.

"I promised you!"

After saying these words, she had another kind of words, which seemed to be different from what she said.


Gao Zhan couldn't believe it, so he stared at Huang Qingming with wide eyes.

"Of course it is true!"

Seeing Gao Zhan's silly look, Huang Qingming was really helpless.

"It's late and it's cold outside. Go back first!"

Huang Qingming urged him to leave.

"Well, good! I will come to you tomorrow!!"

Gao Zhan was very happy and nodded.

Then let the high-definition Xiao go in first, although he didn't know why this matter was so simple and successful.

Obviously it was still like that just now, of course, he didn't want to ask these questions.

Seeing how Gao Qingying looked like this, he was very excited again in his heart.

Gao Qingming walked in again, waved at him, and walked straight to the elevator.

When Gao Zhan saw her in, he also got into the car.

Smiled and left here.

After Huang Qingming went upstairs, Huang Mu hadn't slept yet, so she took a cup of **** tea from the pot and delivered it to her.

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