Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3018: I accidentally met you 33

The snowflakes on the street are gone, but the greenery on the side of the road is covered with white snow.

Soon, they arrived at that studio.

Going in with Gao Zhan, this studio is very warm and has a faint fragrance of flowers.

"Mr. Gao, Miss Huang, you two sit down first, and I will ask the stylist to help you style."

After a beautiful lady let them sit down, they were offered coffee, and then they left again.

Soon two stylists came and asked them to sit down in their chairs.

At the end of the year, Huang Qingming's dresses were rented out. After all, it was just a small employee, and he couldn't usually wear this dress.

Make-up is also a makeup artist in their department.

Now, in this studio, it's really different.

Huang Qingming is not a big beauty, in a strict sense, it is just acceptable.

Now it's been portrayed a lot, but it's really a big change.

It can be said to be a beautiful woman. Some people are easier to put on makeup, and some people are not easy.

This is also why some people are very average, and after putting on makeup, they become big beauties.

Some of them are obviously okay, but it's the same after putting on makeup.

Huang Qingming is of that kind, looks good, but after putting on makeup, he becomes even more stunning.

"Miss Huang, come and change clothes with me!"

Another girl took Huang Qingming to the dressing room.

After Huang Qingming went in, she took out a box, which should be a custom-made clothes.

The girl took the skirt out of it.

When Huang Qingming wore it, it turned out to be the right size. Huang Qingming suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to ask her for her size.

But this...

"It fits very well!"

The young lady who helped her dress together also said with a smile.

Huang Qingming wondered, put on high heels and walked out.

After going out, someone gave her her down jacket again.

Huang Qingming put on the down jacket and walked to Gao Zhan's side.

"Let's go!"

Gao Zhan carried two paper bags and walked out.

Huang Qingming's feet are wearing a pair of very high heels.

Gao Zhan immediately supported Huang Qingming.

When he got to the car, he opened the door and let Huang Qingming walk in.


Gao Zhan sat in the car, and Huang Qingming thanked him.

"How much is this set of clothes, I will give you later!"

Huang Qingming looked at the skirt on her body and guessed that it would cost a lot of money.

After all, she used to rent a set of clothes for only tens of dollars.

This should be a lot, how about you, can be regarded as a little white-collar worker, not bad for the money.

"No, you helped me. This counts me."

How could Gao Zhan collect her money.


Huang Qingming looked out the window and waited for his car to reach the hotel parking lot.

She came down first, "I'm going in first, and we will meet afterwards!"

After Huang Qingming finished speaking, he walked forward.

Gao Zhan sat in the car and watched Huang Qingming's departure. He was a little lost. What the **** is this guy doing.

Huang Qingming went into the hotel, she found Wang Anni and the others, and both Wang Anni and Milan brought their husbands.

Several people were sitting there talking.

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