Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3011: I accidentally met you 26

Please, what the **** is this.

She still has 32 tables, and she doesn't know her brother either.

"Are you Miss Huang Qingming?"

A very magnetic voice rang in her ears.

"Uh...I am!"

Huang Qingming nodded and raised his head.

Before she saw the big beard that she had noticed, she had already stood in front of her.

"My name is Gao Zhan, and I am Gao Yue's brother. She just called me and said that you are also here. Let's sit there."

Although Gao Zhan has a beard on his face, he is very gentle.


Huang Qingming nodded, took his bag, and followed him to the table by the window.

After the two sat down, both of them smiled.

"Order first, what do you like to eat!?"

Gao Zhan brought the menu on the table to her.

"I can do it all, you can handle it!"

Huang Qingming waved his hand indifferently.


Gao Zhan didn't say much, he opened the menu and started ordering.

"Gao Yue let us wait while we eat."

Gao Zhan handed the menu to the waiter standing on the side and looked at Huang Qingming with a smile.

Huang Qingming looked at the smile on his face, which was also very strange.

His beard was all over his face, and he couldn't make out his expression. Now he grinned again, even more so.


She nodded and agreed.

"Ms. Huang is so familiar, she seems to have seen it somewhere."

Gao Zhan leaned back in his chair and said such a sentence.

Huang Qingming was drinking water, when Gao Zhan suddenly said these words, she was choked at that time.

This kind of obvious is a set of words that are close to each other, and it is also said.

"be careful!"

Gao Zhan quickly took out a piece of tissue on the table and sent it to Huang Qingming.

"thank you!"

Huang Qingming wiped himself with the paper, and the atmosphere between the two became stagnant.

Soon, the food was served by the waiter.

Gao Zhan was like opening a chatterbox, beginning to have countless words.

Huang Qingming himself knew a lot, and when he talked and laughed with Gao Zhan, it was quite smooth.

Until the two of them finished their meal and they separated, Gao Yue didn't come.

On the way back, Huang Qingming received a call from Gao Yue, and Gao Yue kept talking on the phone.

"What do you think of my brother!?"

Gao Yue asked very proudly.

"Very talkative!"

Huang Qingming was already considering his own words, and then said this sentence.

"What? Just talkative? Don't you think my brother is very handsome?"

Gao Yue cried out in surprise at the moment.

There was a person who gave his brother the impression that he was very talkative, not very handsome.

"The figure is also very good!"

Huang Qingming answered truthfully.

"Impossible, my brother is so handsome!"

Gao Yue really felt that he was about to collapse, what kind of state his brother had appeared in front of Huang Qingming.

After the two hung up the phone, Gao Yue drove the car and went to find Gao Zhan.

When she went to Gao Zhan's apartment, Gao Zhan had not yet arrived home.

Gao Yue stood in front of the door and waited for a while, waiting for Gao Zhan to suddenly appear in front of her.

Gao Yue's jaw dropped in surprise. Is this man... really his handsome brother?

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