Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3004: I accidentally met you 19

"Okay, let's go now!"

Gao Yue seemed to be unable to wait, she took Huang Qingming's hand and was about to leave.

"No, I haven't got off work yet!"

Gao Qingming shook her head. Although she is fine now, she can't leave early.

"It's okay, give me this one!"

Gao Yue's eyes lit up, he reached out and patted his chest, and walked towards the supervisor's office on the side.

Gao Yue went in for a while, and then the supervisor came out with her.

"Qingming, if Miss Gao has something to ask you for help, you can go with Miss Gao first! If it exceeds five o'clock, it can be regarded as overtime!"

The supervisor coughed twice, looked at Huang Qingming and said in a deep voice.


Huang Qingming nodded, packed up his things, and went out with Gao Yue.

In my heart, I wondered what Gao Yue's identity was.

"Are you thinking, who am I? Make this supervisor so obedient!"

Standing in the elevator, Gao Yue looked at Huang Qingming and blinked.


Huang Qingming nodded, she was really guessed, and it was nothing extraordinary. She also answered honestly.

"Will you change to a new boss? I am his sister."

Gao Yue tilted her head and looked at Huang Qingming.


Huang Qingming nodded. It turned out that the new boss's surname was Gao.

"I still want to thank you for helping me, I'm very happy."

Gao Yue said with a smile, her big eyes gleaming.

She didn't know herself, and she was very helpful.

"I just have nothing to do."

Huang Qingming was a little embarrassed to be praised by her, she was really just an ordinary person, and she did not have such a high-level mind.

After all, Gao Yue is the eldest lady of a wealthy family, so she quickly found a studio and asked them to restore the background. If you don't look closely, you really can't see anything.

Gao Yue herself also put on a pink dress. Now she has a tall figure and a small face.

The jet-black hair, scattered behind him, became more agile.

Huang Qingming told the photographer her request. This photographer, who is also a senior photographer, did what she said after listening to her.

After taking several pictures in a row, Huang Qingming chose one with satisfaction.

Taking the photo out, Huang Qingming asked the photographer to send an electronic copy.

"Miss Gao, you can add my personal QQ, and then send me the photo, I will go back and make it for you in my notebook, and I will never let anyone see it."

Huang Qingming knew that her request was very private, and she tried her best to make her private.

"Okay, thank you!"

Gao Yue smiled and nodded, then said again, "You can call me Gao Yue."

"Yeah! Then I'm leaving now!"

Huang Qingming waved his hand at her and was about to leave.

"I have an appointment tonight, otherwise I will invite you to dinner, let's make an appointment next time!"

Gao Yue stood there and waved to Gao Qingming.


Huang Qingming left.

Huang Qingming returned home. Huang Mu hadn't finished her work yet. As soon as she got home, she got into her room and started drawing pictures.

She put the base map of the boy on it first, and then put Gao Yue's picture on it.

During the puzzle, she suddenly thought of a lot.

In this way, being in the same frame with the person you like is actually a painful and sad thing. How many secret crushes are there in this world.

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