Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2986: I accidentally met you 1

"Ding Dong-the system prompts that the task is complete, Li Dai Tao Zheng uses OR and does not use it."


After Ji Qingming chose one to use, her soul came out of Nie Qingming's body.

"Continue to the next mission?"

Just standing in front of Ji Zeya, he heard Ji Zeya's voice, and Ji Qingming nodded.


"then you go!"

Ji Zeya didn't say much, she moved her fingers lightly, and the little light from her fingertips turned into petals. These petals quickly wrapped Ji Qingming.

Ji Qingming only felt that his whole body was bathed in a piece of fragrance, and after waiting for a moment, he was dizzy.

When she woke up again, she was in the sleeper of a train because she was sleeping on the middle floor.

The place is a bit narrow, and it is not easy to stand up.

It should be night now, without a little light.

Only when the train is passing some places, it has some faint light.

Ji Qingming looked around, there were some breathing noises one after another. It shouldn't be anyone who disturbed her from going to the plot at this time.

She closed her eyes and slowly immersed herself in the plot.

The name of the original owner is Huang Qingming.

His family is well-off, and his family is in the Imperial Capital. After graduating from the university with a smooth flow, he found a job in the Imperial Capital.

The monthly salary is fair, and after buying it by myself every month, I can still save some money.

She has only one daughter at home. After the house was demolished, there were two houses. Now there is one house, and the parents plan to give it to her when she gets married.

With some surplus money in her hand, she bought her a small car worth more than 100,000 yuan and drove it.

Although this kind of life is not as good as that of a rich lady, it can actually be regarded as okay.

Girls who are not very minded, probably think it's okay.

Huang Qingming also thought it was okay, but until one thing changed her life completely.

In the company with her, there is a girl who plays very well, from outside the province, named Qian Xiaole.

The two entered the company together, trained together, and have been together for three years. They are very good friends.

Qian Xiaole and her boyfriend are both from the same place. They can be regarded as golden phoenixes flying out there.

The two of them bought a small house in the imperial capital. Although it is super small, it is still enough.

The two of them have been in love since the first year of junior high. After graduating from university, they worked for three or four years and finally got married.

Qian Xiaole wanted to go back to the countryside to get married, so he invited Huang Qingming to go with him. After all, they were good friends, and she wanted Qian Xiaole to be her bridesmaid.

Huang Qingming sincerely regarded Qian Xiaole as his good friend, so he asked for leave and agreed.

Even because of this, she has no bonus.

Qian Xiaole cried poorly in front of her, saying that the two had a poor family and that they were both paying for their own marriage.

I have to pay for the loan to buy a house again, which is really impossible.

Huang Qingming bought the tickets to Qian Xiaole's hometown at his own expense.

She felt that even if she was going to be Qian Xiaole's bridesmaid or attending a good friend's wedding, she would definitely go too.

Just pay if you pay.

After riding the train for more than 20 hours, Huang Qingming got off and felt that his body seemed to be his own.

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