Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2982: Day 81

After arriving at the old house, Shi Qi suddenly discovered that his inspiration was much better.

I also live here happily.

Shi Cheng wanted to write the script quietly and lived in the master bedroom before Nie Yonggen and the others.

Nie Qingming still lives in her own room. She knows that Gao Hao and Zhang Qianxue still live at home.

This is an old community, there are no cameras, and nothing to put in the system.

In the dead of night, Nie Qingming opened his window and climbed into Zhang Qianxue's room.

It is summer now, and the weather is very hot.

In the previous afternoon, she deliberately broke the air conditioner in Zhang Qianxue's room. Now it is night, and the air conditioner is broken, and it is difficult for them to find someone to repair it.

I had to sleep with the window open.

Nie Qingming touched her home and stepped on their bed.

Her strength was so great that she quickly crushed their bed.

Both of them fell asleep to the ground.


Zhang Qianxue and Gao Hao fell to the ground. Before they could speak, Nie Qingming took something and stuffed it into their mouths. The two stopped talking.

Nie Qingming kicked Gao Hao, Gao Hao's mouth was covered, and he could only make a sound.

Nie Qingming slapped Zhang Qianxue in the face again.

"Aren't you two great? Think everyone else is stupid?"

Nie Qingming hit them again and repeatedly, and the two of them fainted directly. Only then did Nie Qingming leave here and cautiously jumped onto the balcony of his home.

She wears non-marking shoes on her feet. Wearing these shoes, there will be no traces left on the balcony.

Nie Qingming lay on the bed and fell asleep.

By the next morning, I was awakened by the noises outside the door.

She got up, went out and took a look, only to see a lot of people outside, as if they were all holding a bill in their hands, standing at the door of Zhang Qianxue's house and making a lot of noise.

"Liar, open the door!!"

These people were yelling and cursing, and some paramedics came from downstairs.

When the ambulance personnel came, Nie Qingming closed the door again. She looked outside through the cat’s eye and saw that the door in Zhang Qianxue’s house was opened. Then, when the rescuers had not yet entered, those who took The people with the list flocked in.

Then there was a burst of ghost cry and wolf howling in Fang Lan.

The corner of Nie Qingming's mouth raised a smile.

Seeing Gao Hao and Zhang Qianxue being carried out by the ambulance, the deceived people still kept chasing them.

"Did you make these?"

Nie Qingming turned around and saw Shi Cheng sitting on the sofa reading a book.

This is an old house, and the sound from the stairs is still very loud.


Shi Chen thought it was just exposing their deceptive things.

"Sluts have their own days."

Nie Qingming went to the kitchen to cook.

This time, Zhang Qianxue and Gao Hao were beaten, and the police never asked what they said.

Because this is impossible.

The balcony of Nie Qingming's house is the room next to Zhang Qianxue.

But outside the window of her room, there was no place to stand.

How can someone jump over? Even the kind of experienced thief can't do it.

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