Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2972: Day 71

Said she doubled, said she was throwing a big name.

There are also many people who are saying that she really didn't expect that she was such a person.

No wonder it was so hot, it turned out to be taken care of by the time.

Nie Qingming stayed at home, and Nie Yonggen and Tian Li stayed at home.

"It's your mother who hurt you!"

Tian Li wiped her tears and looked at Nie Qingming.

It was because she couldn't see the situation clearly, she kept asking Qing Ming to follow Shishi to join the two.

Now that it's in this situation, it's really...

It's all to blame her.

"Mom doesn't blame you!"

Nie Qingming comforted her twice and looked at the ground.

Zhang Qianxue...very good!

At least it didn't make her feel that the opponent is weak, you wait for me.

"Boom boom boom——"

The door of the house rang suddenly.

"Those reporters won't squat here anymore!"

Tian Li is like a frightened bird.

"No, mother!"

Nie Qingming stood up and walked towards the door.

In the cat's eye, I saw Shishi, and a gray-haired old man.

Nie Qingming opened the door, and Shi Cheng helped the old man walk in.

"Qing Ming!"

Shi Qi looked at Nie Qingming distressedly, blaming herself in her heart.

"This is my grandpa!"

The old man Shi Shi supported, although his hair was gray and hunched over, still looked very energetic.

"Hello Grandpa!"

Nie Qingming didn't know why he suddenly brought his grandfather to him! ?

Nie Yonggen and Tian Li complained a lot, but they blamed themselves more.

Originally, she really liked Shi Chen, but now she looked at Shi Chen and brought his grandfather with him, and he stood up hastily.

When Shi Guangshen sat down, Nie Qingming brought a cup of tea in front of him.

"We are very sorry for what happened yesterday. It is also the hour that we didn't calculate these. It's all to blame!"

Shi Guangshen apologized to them first, and then pulled all the mistakes on Shi Qi's body.

Although Shi Chen did not speak, his expression was full of self-blame.

Tian Li liked this child very much, but now he is reluctant to blame himself.

"It's not too young to blame, I always feel that someone is behind it."

Tian Li is not a fool, and he can see it.

It is impossible that nothing happened before, and was suddenly dragged by a bunch of reporters.

And those reporters, are they really reporters? She thought those reporters were hooligans.

"Those things will be left to the hour to do, and he will do them well. I'm here today... to see you."

Shi Guangshen smiled, the pleats on his face almost squeezed into a chrysanthemum.

"Look at us!?"

Nie Yonggen is inexplicable.

"My health has always been bad. I live abroad. When I was young, I told me that I had someone I like. He wanted me to come back and have a look. He has no parents and only my grandfather. I came back by private jet and was on the road. I was a little uncomfortable and landed. When I went to see me when I was young, we didn't come back until just now... When you were surrounded by people in Qingming yesterday, I could only do it in a hurry."

Shi Guangshen spoke slowly.

"That's why you asked Sister Zhang to help me?"

Nie Qingming asked when he asked!

"Yes, I'm sorry Qing Ming."

Shi looked at Nie Qingming apologetically.

He originally thought that he could master these things, but he didn't expect that these flaws still appeared.

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