Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2967: Day 66

"This is braised pork knuckle, this is sweet and sour fish, this is..."

Looking at the picture in his hand and listening to Tian Li's words, Nie Qingming felt the fragrance all over the screen.

"Qing Ming, I'm going to eat!"

Shi Cheng walked to Nie Qingming's side.


Tian Li heard Shi Ji's voice, and immediately cut the camera back quickly.


Shi Cheng greeted Tian Li with a smile.

"Qing Ming is filming with you, I'm relieved!"

Tian Li said with a smile.


Shi Ying nodded.

"Auntie, I will pay you an early year. When we finish filming, I will see you again!"

"Good good!"

Tian Li said happily, and her eyes were filled with laughter.

"Okay, mom, we're going to eat too, let's eat with dad!"

Nie Qingming said another sentence to Tian Li, and then hung up the phone.

"Does our crew also have a New Year's Eve dinner?"

Nie Qingming asked when he was given.

"There is!"

Shi Qi pulled Nie Qingming to his feet, and the two of them walked in the other direction.

Many people have gathered together to eat hot pot.

It's steaming, and it's really the best hot pot in this big winter.

There are many people eating together, and it is more atmospheric.

Nie Qingming followed Shiwei to pick up vegetables and feed each other like no one else.

Sometimes, after doing a lot of things, it becomes natural.

Will do it naturally, and will not care about others' gazes at all.

As for others, I watched more and became accustomed to it.

Nie Qingming and their crew are like this.

In February of the following year, the filming of this scene was finally over.

The weather is still quite cold, this place is especially cold.

When Nie Qingming got off the plane and returned to Kyoto, he felt warmer.

When I got home, I took a shower directly, lay down on the bed, and slept for two consecutive days.

Filming is really tiring, even if she insists on practicing her inner power.

She also felt a little tired.

After sleeping for two days, and working the inner strength mental method for a week, it became refreshed again.

Just as she was about to cook the noodles, Shi Zhi's phone rang.

"I'll pick you up at your house."

"Ah, where are you going!?"

Nie Qingming asked again.

"Well... you'll know then!"

When Shi Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Nie Qingming shrugged, changed his clothes, and drank tea while waiting.

When she sent a message, she went downstairs.

"Where are you going!"

Nie Qingming sat in the car and asked aloud.

"Go shopping with me."

With a lazy smile on the corner of Shi Zhi's mouth, his eyes were slightly frozen as he watched her.


Nie Qingming nodded.

After arriving at the mall, the two had just walked up from the parking lot and just happened to meet Yao Yao.

Standing beside her was Zhang Qianxue.

Seeing the two of them standing together, Nie Qingming was not surprising at all.

It seems that Zhang Qianxue still saw the picture. She probably couldn't get through the road on Gao Hao's side, and then she came to Yao Yao's side.

Yao Yao really has no brains.

The original owner was led by Zhang Qianxue's nose because of the relationship between the two of them who grew up together.

She is still being led by Zhang Qianxue, it is definitely a problem of IQ.

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