Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2965: Day 64

Listening to what he said, Nie Qingming only felt a rumbling, as if there was something in his heart, it collapsed suddenly.

Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, four images produce gossip, and gossip produces all things...everything is not as good as you...

baffling! !

Yes, the inexplicable Nie Qingming's ears were red, and she lowered her head, giving her star-like eyes when she dared not look again.

"Qingming... why don't you dare to look at me!"

Shi Cheng's face close to her ear hasn't opened yet.

"I don't know... what did you mean by saying this to me?"

Nie Qingming asked him again.

In fact, Shi Chen has always been very strange, has been doing ambiguous things, but has never confessed.

Never said I like it.

She felt very strange to be together like this.

Is it because of his family relationship that the two of them can't be together at all?

"I like you!"

Shi Cheng whispered these words in her ear again.

"you like me!!"

Nie Qingming asked again.

"Yeah, can't you feel it?"

Shi Chen felt a bit wronged, did he not show up as often as he did?

Nie Qingming glared at him, leaning on the back of his chair, and continued to close his eyes.

"Qing Ming..."

Seeing that she didn't answer to herself, Shi Qi panicked inexplicably.

There is something wrong with this way of opening, shouldn't she directly say that I like you?

What... it's like this now.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Shi Cheng asked softly again.

"I don't want it now, but later... let's talk about it..."

Nie Qingming continued to close his eyes and rest his mind, with his hands resting on his body, the expression on his face was also very calm.


Shi Chen raised his fighting spirit again, and he would definitely chase after her.

When he squeezed his hand.

The filming continued, Shi Wei and Nie Qingming continued to CP.

One day, Nie Qingming suddenly wanted to eat barbecue, Shi Chen said, let people come to the crew to barbecue.

"Forget it, let's go to the store to eat, it's more atmospheric."

"...Then let's go to the store to eat now!"

Shizheng looked at her, eyes full of-pet-drowning.


When the two of them did not play, Yu drove the car and took Nie Qingming to the city.

Now the filming place is in the outskirts, because many sets are built in the later stage.

It takes almost an hour to drive a car from here to the city.

Finally in the city, Nie Qingming also found a very delicious shop on the local website.

This is a log-like shop, and when I just went there, I could smell the aroma of wood.

Then, there were bursts of aroma and sound of barbecue.

The two sat down to find a place.

Nie Qingming ordered the food, and the two of them cooked, drinking slowly with hot water in their hands.

"Looking outside, it looks like it's going to snow!"

Shi Qi looked out of the glass window and found that there seemed to be small patches of snowflakes outside.

"The first snow this winter!"

Nie Qingming gently put the water glass on the table, watching the snowflakes slowly drifting outside.

"Do you two need us to help you barbecue?"

The waiter has delivered what they ordered.

Seeing that the two of them are a man and a woman, I feel that they must be in need of privacy.

It seems that both of them are very familiar!

The men are handsome and the women are beautiful.

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