Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2962: Day 61

"No need, I just sleep outside!"

Although, he really hopes to sleep in Nie Qingming's bed.

"Your body..."

"Drinking your love porridge, I feel much more comfortable, and a better night's sleep!"

Shizheng looked at her with a smile.

"In this case, I will go back to my room and rest!"

Nie Qingming looked at her and nodded.

Shi Chen watched Nie Qingming go back to the room, his eyes were also slightly lost.

In the early morning of the next day, when Nie Qingming had just got up, he realized that Shi Chen had already left.

On the table, he posted his message.

"I went back beforehand, see you at school!"

They will have class tomorrow afternoon.

Nie Qingming had just prepared to throw away this post-it note, raised his hand, and then slowly put it down.

She returned to her room, folded the note in her hand, and put it in a small box.

Throughout the day, Nie Qingming was practising inner gong mental methods at home.

That night, it was the premiere of the TV series of Zhuma Amusing Qingmei.

The family is together again as before, watching TV series.

This is a funny and relaxing romantic comedy, at 8 o'clock, it is more suitable for the whole family.

What's more, it was Nie Qingming who gave such a set of Cp to the time, which attracted the likes of many people.

Prior to this, many people liked the promotional film of this drama very much.

This play is still adapted from a novel. Many people look at the appearance of the two of them and feel that the author must have written it according to them.

It's really a good match.

Many girls are shouting wildly, Shi Qi's eyes are really too affectionate, really good Su.

They all felt that he was looking at them.

It's really touching.

This drama, before it was broadcast, was very popular, and many people liked it very much.

When Nie Qingming went to school again, he was about to cover it up.

Fortunately, after signing the names for several days and taking a lot of group photos, everyone's enthusiasm has also slowed down.

Compared with the childhood drama between Nie Qingming and Shiwei, the modern fashion drama between Gao Hao and Yao Yao met with a cold reception.

Although it is not ugly, but compared with Nie Qingqingming and the others, it is really a huge difference.

Nie Qingming became even more popular with Shiwei, because of this, it was exactly what the same time said before.

Look for the movie they filmed, because their pay has basically doubled.

There is no news about that film party.

Later, Nie Qingming heard Zhang Wanlin say that they seemed to have gone to Yao Yao and Gao Hao.

On this day, Nie Qingming was staying at home, cultivating his inner power.

Shi Jin called him.

"Nie Qingming, are you free!?"


"Come on the stars."


The two had a very brief conversation. Nie Qingming collected the things in his hand, changed a piece of clothes, and went directly out of the community, drove a car to the stars.

Xingchen is a better entertainment company, and there are many superstars in it.

Why should I go to her when I don't know?

Nie Qingming walked in. Before reaching the front desk, the lady at the front desk walked out.

"Ms. Nie Qingming, isn't it?"

The lady at the front desk looked at Nie Qingming's eyes, it was brilliant.


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