Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2959: Day 58

"See me when you save time, haha!"

Zhang Wanlin looked at Nie Qingming again with a narrow smile.


Nie Qingming also smiled.

Walking out of the cafe with Zhang Wanlin, and then watching Zhang Wanlin leave, she stood by the side of the road and waited for Shibei.

Soon Shiqi's red Malasati appeared in her field of vision, and in the enviable eyes of the surroundings, she got into the car.

"Qingming, are you here to see Zhang Qianxue?"

Tian Li, who was sitting behind, asked directly.

She knew that Zhang Qianxue lived in this place, and if the things that hadn't happened in the past, she would still very much approve of Qingming playing with Zhang Qianxue.

but! ! After that happened, she no longer wanted her daughter to be with that kind of snake-hearted people.

When it comes to friendship, Zhang's family treated her really not badly in the past!

It's really ruthless, right and wrong, all nonsense.

"I know, I won't have any intersection with her in the future!"

Seeing Tian Li's anxious look, Nie Qingming quickly admitted his mistake.

"That's it! Don't talk about children, my girl is kind!"

Nie Yonggen said with a smile again.

"Yes, yes, your girl is the best!"

Tian Li couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Mom is super nice too!!"

Nie Qingming quickly held Tian Li again.

Tian Li couldn't help laughing as she looked at her.

Nie Qingming's family is the kind of people who are not hot and unhappy.

When Shi Zhen asked them what they wanted to eat together, he directly said that he wanted to eat hot pot.

That kind of chili was constantly tumbling, and then the beef and mutton were sandwiched in the chopsticks, and it was cooked in the tumbling red soup.

Not to mention how delicious it is.

Nie Qingming thought for a while, and it was a long time since he had eaten it. Now thinking about it, the spicy and delicious taste is still slowly spreading in his taste buds.

Shi Chen took them to a high-end hot pot restaurant. In fact, they walked into the box all the time. Nie Qingming didn't feel it. The place where they are staying now is a hot pot restaurant.

How do you look at this kind of decoration? How does it look like eating Western food?

Except for the elegant music, there is a faint aroma of hot pot floating in the air.

The hot pot here is one person, one pot, and the table is very big.

Shi Chen didn't seem to eat spicy food, Nie Qingming noticed it, so when ordering, she deliberately ordered four spicy pot bottoms.

Shi Chen was stunned at the moment.

"Why, don't you like to eat?"

Nie Qingming noticed it, and asked aloud at the moment. In her tone, there was still that kind of faint regret.

It seems...their hobbies are different...

This kind of appearance made Shi Shi feel uncomfortable for a while.

"I eat!!"

He gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, that's all right!"

Nie Qingming started to order again. She almost knew what her parents like to eat. She almost knew what he liked to eat after being with Shichen for so long.


Nie Qingming handed the menu to the waiter.

"Why don't you let you order food at an hour!"

When the waiter went out, Tian Li stared at Nie Qingming.

"It's okay auntie, she knows what I like to eat, and I also like her to order food for me!"

Shi gave a quick explanation.

He looked at Nie Qingming, he really liked the way Nie Qingming ordered food for him.

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