Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2956: Day 55

But in the end, it disappeared silently.

Yao Yao is not a good person and has no scheming. After falling in love with Gao Hao, she is even more absent.

Without a brain, he was completely used as a gun by Gao Hao again.

If Zhang Qianxue joined them, would it burst out a different spark.

Nie Qingming really felt very exciting, and the result must be very beautiful.

"I want to go out!"

Nie Qingming said, turned and walked towards his bedroom.

"Remember to wear inner-clothes!"

Shi Ji's cool voice rang behind him.

This suddenness made Nie Qingming's body suddenly stand in place.

"You find a big sex-wolf!"

She picked up a pillow from her hand and slammed it on Shi Qi's body.

Shi Qi took the pillow she had thrown over, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

Nie Qingming changed clothes out of the room, looked at Shi Cheng, and glared at him again.

"I go out for a while!"

"Do you want me to accompany you!?"

When asked.


Nie Qingming waved his hand, "But you can go back to your own home by yourself."

"My aunt and them, go out to dinner with them, you come back early!"

Shizheng looked at her with a smile.


Nie Qingming snorted coldly, opened the door and went out.

Nie Qingming went directly to the hospital, bought a fruit basket in the shop in front of the hospital, and inquired at the inpatient department, and quickly found the place where Zhang Qianxue lived.

There was no one in the room, only Zhang Qianxue lying there playing with a mobile phone.

Zhang Qianxue screamed when Nie Qingming just walked in.

"What are you doing!?"

She is like a hedgehog, full of hostility towards Nie Qingming.

"I came to see you! You are hospitalized after all, haven't you!?"

Nie Qingming put the fruit basket in his hand on the table beside Zhang Qianxue.

"get out!"

Zhang Qianxue hated Nie Qingming now, and immediately hit the fruit basket on the table.

"Don't be hypocritical, don't I know you are beating me?"

Zhang Qianxue snorted coldly and looked at Nie Qingming's eyes, which was also full of hatred.

"You said that I beat you, I grew up with you, how could I break your bones, it must be your ordinary mouth-your mouth is too cheap to be beaten!"

Originally, Nie Qingming came here to stimulate Zhang Qianxue.

What I said now was undoubtedly a crit for Zhang Qianxue.

"get out!"

Zhang Qianxue yelled at Nie Qingming again.

"Zhang Qianxue, you really don't know good or bad, no wonder you will be beaten!"

Nie Qingming mocked again, and secretly threw the photos in his pockets to the ground.

She went out.

"You bitch!"

Zhang Qianxue was still yelling and cursing continuously.

Nie Qingming shrugged. Fortunately, Zhang Qianxue was the only one in this ward, otherwise the people who lived in the same ward with her would definitely be uncomfortable.

"This bitch!"

Zhang Qianxue also held a mobile phone in her hand, wishing to throw it away.

Suddenly, her eyes met on the ground, and there was a photo.

This photo!

Zhang Qianxue's eyes narrowed, and when Nie Qingming came, it had just been swept away.

Then this photo must have been dropped by Nie Qingming on the ground.

Zhang Qianxue quickly turned over and got out of bed and picked up the photo on the ground.

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