Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2954: Day 53

She slept until the next day, and she looked at the wrinkled clothes on her body, it seemed that there was still some sour smell.

She took her pajamas and went outside to take a shower.

Coming out of the bathroom in a refreshing suit, he looked at Shi Shi sitting on the sofa impressively.

"Why are you here!!"

Nie Qingming looked at him and asked suddenly.

She had just taken a bath, but was wearing a nightdress with no underwear underneath. She lowered her head with some guilty conscience, fearing that she would ****.

Fortunately... Fortunately...

"It was a bit late last night, Auntie and they didn't let me go back!"

Shi Qi placed the book in his hand on the coffee table.

Nie Qingming looked at the book he put there, which he usually reads.

If you are not allowed to go back, you will not go back, and you will enter the room! !

Black belly! Sure enough, a black belly! !

"Don't you sleep on the sofa!"

There are two rooms and one living room at home, so there can be no extra room for him to sleep.

"Auntie bought a folding bed, and also has a new quilt and pillows. I can sleep comfortably, but if I want to buy a new house, it is better to buy a three-bedroom."

When he finished speaking, Shi Qi returned a very pertinent answer.

Hearing what he said, Nie Qingming was even more speechless.

"You drank alcohol last night and had a hangover. I will make something for you!"

Shi Zhi walked up to her, let her sit on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and played a piece of music.

When Nie Qingming listened, it sounded very pleasant, feeling that his whole heart had calmed down.

There is an indescribable comfort.

After a while, there was another sound of Zizlara from the kitchen.

It was the sound of cooking. It usually sounded a bit noisy, but now it sounds very pleasing to the ear.

She closed her eyes, leaning on the soft sofa, and fell asleep without knowing it.

After waiting, Shi Chen walked to her side and patted her.

"Woke up!"

Shi Qi's voice was very gentle. After calling Nie Qingming, he put his food on the table again.

"Um... well!"

Nie Qingming opened his dim eyes, and when she saw those on the table, her eyes suddenly widened.

"You did it!"

Nie Qingming was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Shi Chen to still have a good hand.

He made hamburger meat with some vegetables in it, and some French fries.

Plus a glass of juice.

The hamburger is the piece of patties in the hamburger.

Nie Qingming took the knife and fork and cut it open and put it into his mouth. He immediately felt very delicious, and even had an indescribable Q bomb.

"This is A5 Wagyu??"

Nie Qingming looked at him and asked aloud in disbelief.

"Yes, the best beef."

Shi Ying nodded, he looked at the corner of Nie Qingming's mouth, which was still stained with a little sauce.

Her lips were originally pink-tender-tender, but now because they were stained with this little sauce, the whole thing seemed to be dyed with a little pearl.

It looks tempting-very attractive.

Shi Qi reached out his hand and wiped her.

He put his finger in his mouth again and licked it.

"It tastes good, it's really good beef!"

His appearance is very upright.


Nie Qingming is speechless again, what do you mean!

A5 Wagyu, a raw beef costs 3,000 yuan, such a good ingredient.

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