Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2949: Day 48

It only took two hours to read the script. She stretched her body and put the script aside.

"Have you finished watching!?"

Shizheng looked at her and asked in surprise.


Nie Qingming ate the fruit on the plate and nodded.


Shi Chen was still very surprised. When they watched the script, they weren't as simple as just reading the script. They basically wrote it down after reading it.

He feels that his IQ is already very high, and he usually doesn't have much trouble looking at it.

Now I met Nie Qingming, who was more powerful than him, and I felt even more that Nie Qingming was really not a mortal.

"I'm going to prepare dinner, keep watching!"

Nie Qingming stood up easily, walked to the kitchen, and put on his own small floral apron.

Shi Qi was silent for a while, then put his hand down again.

"OK, all right!"

Shi Qi continued to look down at the script.

Nie Qingming likes to cook. When she cooks, she is actually like an art.

Ordinary people, when they are cooking, they may be smoggy, but when Nie Qingming is cooking, they are very clean.

All aspects are very organized.

After reading the script, Shi Qi also looked at Nie Qingming.

Looking at Nie Qingming when he was working on things, his expression was gentle, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and the brilliance that flashed in his pupils was quite moving.

Nie Qingming also felt it, with a gaze looking at her.

She raised her head and looked at Shi Shi who was standing in front of her.

Shichen looked at people and was caught on the spot. He didn't have too much embarrassment. He was still like that, with a smile on his mouth as always.

Let people feel like spring breeze.

"Do you want me to help you!"

When asked.


When he couldn't help himself, he said it.

This made Nie Qingming very puzzled.

"What should I do!"

Shichen walked up to her in a hurry.

"You wear an apron first! Don't stain your clothes!!"

Nie Qingming took off an apron from the hook hanging on one side, and handed it to him.

Shi Qi took it over and fastened it.

"You peel off the cucumber first, then peel the tomatoes, and cut the shredded pork for me..."

Nie Qingming said a lot, then nodded, and followed them one by one.

Nie Qingming had just cooked the silver cod fish, and when he turned around, he was surprised to see that he had prepared all these things.

"Have you made it at home?"

Nie Qingming walked to his side and asked aloud.

Let’s not talk about the simple peeling of cucumbers, and peeling tomatoes is also very good.

The skin was peeled clean, it was very smooth, there were no wounds on it, and Nie Qingming looked very pleasing to the eye.

"I can cook."

Shi Cheng said, his eyebrows were picturesque: "It's just that I'm not as good as what you do. Compared to ordinary people, it's almost the same!"

Nie Qingming looked at him again and took the things to his chopping board.

When Tian Li returned home, there was a burst of fragrance in the room. When he walked inside, he saw the kitchen where the two of them were cooking.

At this time, Tian Li felt that she really came back too early, and that she should come back later.


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