Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2941: Days after 40

Nie Qingming looked at the name of this script and looked pretty cute. People nowadays are under great pressure in life.

Such a pleasant and relaxing plot is very flattering.

Nie Qingming looked at this... immediately nodded, "Let me take a look!"

The waiter kept serving the dishes, and Nie Qingming also began to keep watching the script in his hand.

She looked at the script with a slight ecstasy, she read it very quickly, and the script was finished very quickly.

At this time, the dishes on the table have just been neatly served.

Nie Qingming put the script in his hand on the table and picked up the chopsticks.

"How about it!"

Shi Chen also took his chopsticks, sandwiched a piece of meat, and passed it into Nie Qingming's bowl.

"Is the bamboo horse you?"

Nie Qingming asked.


Nodding slightly at the time.


Nie Qingming took the piece of meat in the bowl and delivered it to his mouth.

It's soft, with a faint lemon aroma inside. It's obviously braised pork, but it doesn't feel fatty at all.

On the contrary, it has bursts of refreshing taste. This taste makes Nie Qingming feel very good.

"The food in this restaurant is very good!?"

She is a chef herself, and now she feels better when facing these dishes.

These dishes all feel that they are innovating. Although they are innovative, they are not so unacceptable. In short, these dishes are all good.

"If you like it, I will often come and take you to eat in the future!"

When she said she likes to eat, Shige responded right away.

"This shop is your property?"

Nie Qingming asked him tentatively as he looked at him stepping forward and looking proud.


Sure enough, I heard him say yes.


Two words suddenly appeared in Nie Qingming's heart, rich!

In those memories of the original owner, Shi Qi's identity is very confusing, and this is why he is so fond of women.

"Come on, eat first, and when we're done, let's talk about it!"

Shi Zhi gave her another chopsticks dish, and then he ate it too.


Nie Qingming nodded slightly. Although she is not a foodie in the traditional sense, because she is a chef, she can cook a lot of dishes. Now that she sees novel dishes, she is naturally attracted.

After the meal, the waiter removed the items on the table, ordered the incense, and brought fruit tea and fruits.

"Why do you agree to this drama so easily!"

Shi Cheng asked her curiously.

On the table in front of me, there is a transparent crystal stove. On the stove, there is a transparent crystal teapot with orange fruit tea.

The fruit tea is hot, braving gusts of heat.

Shi Qi's slender fingers pinched the handle of the crystal teapot, and poured the fruit tea inside into the crystal cup.

The crystal cup, with a bright and gorgeous light.

The orange juice is inside, revealing a kind of warmth.

"This script, I look good, and working with you, I also feel very comfortable, acting with the actors, very good!"

Nie Qingming looked at the cup in front of him and said to him lightly.


Shi Qi smiled and looked at Nie Qingming's eyes deeper and deeper.

"You mean... my acting skills are good?"

Shi Cheng asked him, his brows frivolous, glazed eyes, looking at her quietly.

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