Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2932: Days after 30

What's wrong, what's wrong, she admits wrong first.

This time, she will definitely do it again.


Nie Qingming was really dumbfounded when she said that, really...

You have no talent, do you have a reason?

It's really funny, a person, really branded with plagiarism, how she will be in the entertainment circle in the future.

"Qingming, I beg you. You promise me quickly!"

Zhang Qianxue began to pray again.

"Do I have any advantage?"

Nie Qingming asked her.


Zhang Qianxue opened her eyes wide and looked at her incredulously.

It seems that what Nie Qingming is saying now is a very strange sentence.

"Aren't we good friends?"

Zhang Qianxue said natly.

"Are we really good friends?"

Nie Qingming asked again.

"Of course, the best friend in the world."

Zhang Qianxue patted his chest again, and said righteously.

"Oh, is it? Then you go and confess the matter. I don't want my parents to raise their heads because of these things. We are good friends. Don't embarrass me, just as I beg you. After all, we Love for more than ten years! Please!!"

When Nie Qingming said this, he didn't have a trace of emotion.

"Didn't I just say it? I..."

"You are not talented, you are ignorant, but why should I help you? What's more, helping you is to make myself worse. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Nie Qingming had enough fun, and didn't want to continue wasting time with her.

"You won't help me!"

Zhang Qianxue's face was cold, and the expression in his eyes was also very cold.

"Yeah, I won't help you!"

Nie Qingming spread his hands, why would he help you?

"Ok... well... I really didn't expect you to be such a ruthless person, I really admitted you wrong, and I was so good to you!?"

Just when Nie Qingming was about to close the door, he heard Zhang Qianxue's voice again.

She stopped her hand, and looked at Zhang Qianxue nonchalantly.

"Oh? Are you good to me? Then what are you good to me?"

She asked Zhang Qianxue lightly.

Zhang Qianxue was originally angrily, but when she heard this, her eyes widened.

"Nothing to say... Get out..."

After Nie Qingming finished speaking, he closed the door again.

She was in the cat's eye, looking at Zhang Qianxue's hateful face.

Shrugged again, and walked towards his bedroom.

Zhang Qianxue's own princess is ill again, do you think everyone is her parents?

Can you be desired, can you listen to everything about her?

It's really ridiculous.

Nie Qingming stayed at home for another day, and the next morning, Nie Yonggen sent her to the hotel again.

After a few days of rest, it was her filming task again.

The plagiarism that is raging outside is also fueled by the crew. This matter is even more clamorous.

Nie Qingming, the supporting actress, is more interesting than the heroine.

Different beautiful men, this idol drama is also very popular.

After all, there are some handsome men and beautiful women in this play, which makes some teenagers who watch the play even more mesmerized.

"Qing Ming..."

Nie Qingming had just taken the elevator up and stood in the corridor, preparing to walk towards his room.

A clear voice rang behind her.

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