Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2925: Days after 23

Nie Qingming was speechless when she looked at the way her villain was successful. She thought a TV series would be so easy to play.

But she didn't want to tell her more.

"Okay, Mom, you can just eat raw!"

Zhang Qianxue looked at Fang Lan with a little dissatisfaction.

Fang Lan watched as her daughter was talking about herself, and she was eating now.

She stopped talking, and the room was much quieter.

Until they finished eating, Tian Li cleaned up the dishes on the table.

Fang Lan looked at it. They didn't cut the fruit either, and stretched out immediately.

"I want to go back quickly, Qianxue's father should be back, Qianxue, you are here to help!"

Fang Lan finished speaking and left.

Zhang Qianxue is also accustomed to her mother, after all, when they came here in the past, they were all like this.

"Auntie, let me do it for you!"

So Zhang Qianxue looked at Tian Li sweetly.

Tian Ligang was about to refuse.

"Okay! Let's help together!"

Before Tian Li spoke, Nie Qingming spoke.

This family is really comfortable. Just eat and don’t do anything. There are such good things!

Zhang Qianxue was stunned, she just said that she had been like this every time before, and she didn't really want her to work.

She wanted to shake her hand and leave, but when she thought of her purpose, she agreed with a smile.

"Then let's do it together, don't let Auntie do it, after all, Auntie is also hard to cook."

What Zhang Qianxue said was really pretty.

Originally, Tian Li was still a little unhappy, but now hearing her say this, she nodded immediately.

After receiving the dishes and chopsticks from the kitchen department, Nie Qingming put them in the sink.

"You wash first, I'll clean the table!"

Nie Qingming said a word, then took the rag and went out.

Zhang Qianxue gritted her teeth, but when she thought of her purpose, she had to accept her fate to wash the dishes.

Nie Qingming walked in until she had washed the dishes and chopsticks.

She tidyed up the dishes and chopsticks, and then wiped off all the water stains on the sink with a rag.

"Qingming, let's go to your bedroom to play, I haven't come to your house for a long time to play!"

Zhang Qianxue asked in a low voice.


Nie Qingming nodded, since she is like this, she can fulfill her by herself.

"Parents, we went to the room to play!"

Nie Qingming went out of the kitchen and talked to his parents who were watching TV in the living room.


Tian Li responded with a smile.

Nie Qingming returned to the room, and Zhang Qianxue also went in with him.

After the two of them sat down, Zhang Qianxue was there to talk about it.

A pair of eyes was also looking around, and finally landed on a folder on her desk.

She remembered that Nie Qingming liked to write some lyrics and put them in it.

"Qingming, I'm really sorry for the way I was before!"

Zhang Qianxue looked at her and apologized sincerely.

There are even tears in the eyes.

Nie Qingming looked at her with no expression on her face, but felt that Zhang Qianxue still had some acting skills.

"Why, Qingming, won't you forgive me?"

Seeing that Nie Qingming still had this indifferent expression, Zhang Qianxue immediately asked again.

"It's all small things, I've forgotten it a long time ago."

Nie Qingming shook his head again.

"Qingming, I'm so happy, we are all right again now!"

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