Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2921: Day 19

Nie Qingming walked over.


The director yelled again, and everyone was ready to start.


Le Yunsi, played by Nie Qingming, walked up.


Murong Ye stopped.

"Are you going to that party tonight?"

Le Yunsi still had a proud smile on her face, but the words she asked were cautious.

"Don't go!"

Murongye replied briefly, then glanced at Le Yunsi, turned and left.

Le Yunsi bit her lip and looked at Murongye's back, her expression slightly stagnant.

"Sisi, he doesn't want to go with you, I will accompany you!"

Mo Lingxiao, who played at the time, has always been secretly in love with Le Yunsi.

Looking at Le Yunsi's sadness now, his eyes are also full of sadness.

"Why do I want you to accompany me!"

Le Yunsi turned around, the sharp look in his eyes stabbed Mo Lingxiao.

"I want to be with you!"

Mo Lingxiao looked at her and said affectionately.


Le Yunsi looked at his eyes, full of disgust, turned around and left.

Mo Lingxiao looked at her back, the pain in his eyes became deeper and deeper.


The director shouted admiringly.

These people are really good.

Gao Hao has acted in many plays, and now he has entered the role so easily, that's for sure.

But at this time, the two individuals, Xiang Xi and Nie Qingming, were so fast, which was really good.

Another scene was shot again.

Yao Yao squeezed the script in her hand, also slightly hard.

She doesn't want to lose to Nie Qingming, isn't she just memorizing the manuscript?

She can too. She likes Gao Hao very much, so she directly expresses her love.

In addition, the role of Shui Qianqian was originally silly, white and sweet, just pretend to be.

Yao Yao is also a one who refuses to admit defeat, especially when I heard that Nie Qingming was also filming for the first time, but there was no NG, and many people praised her.

She is even more unconvinced, is she afraid of acting badly?

The one played by Nie Qingming is a bad woman, and her existence only serves as a green leaf for herself.

Just when Yao Yao decided to get serious, the series also proceeded in a smooth direction.

Although, the director also discovered that Yao Yao was targeting Nie Qingming everywhere.

But it is not difficult to find that she is using Nie Qingming as her opponent.

When the director noticed this, he praised Nie Qingming again and again.

Nie Qingming didn't care, after all, Yao Yao was messing around and wasted everyone's time. After all, she also hopes that the series will be filmed in this summer vacation.

When school starts, she still wants to be a happy freshman.

Finally, the first episode was filmed, and Yao Yao gradually entered a state.

That night, they also gathered together.

"This Friday, our TV series will be aired, so let's celebrate in advance!"

The director raised his glass.

All the people also raised their glasses one after another.

The filming of this scene is also a group of young people, and they all share some common topics.

Now that I am talking and laughing, I am also very happy.

"I will play a piece for you now!"

Yao Yao is also very happy, after all, a drama in which she herself is the heroine is about to start.

The eldest lady is going to play the piano, but she doesn't like listening. At this time, she is also very happy to say that she likes listening very much.

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