Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2919: Day 17

This play is also very different from the original plot.

She felt that something more interesting would happen.

On the next day, she went in the car.

Today's first scene was filmed in school.

Early in the morning, everyone sat in the car and walked towards the school.

The shooting school is the best chant aristocratic academy here, and it is an aristocratic academy from elementary school to university.

It's summer vacation, and the school has been cleaned up. Except for some extras, they are basically their own people.

After Nie Qingming got off the car, he was taken to the dressing room.

When she entered, Yao Yao was already putting on makeup, her hair was dyed jet black, she was wearing a simple white T-shirt, a light blue denim skirt underneath, and a pair of white shoes on her feet.

It looks very refreshing, and the makeup artist is also very good. Her makeup was only half done, and she felt a burst of beauty.

Because Nie Qingming played a big lady, the clothes were all famous brands. Someone directly took a skirt and handed it to her.

Nie Qingming's figure is very good, and with this episode, her complexion is also very good because of the reason for cultivating the inner strength mental method.

Her temperament is very good, after wearing this white skirt, she has temperament.

"You are very suitable for this role!"

The makeup artist who put makeup on Nie Qingming couldn't help but praise.

In this world, there is a kind of genius, very suitable for acting.

Sometimes, as long as they just put on a costume, they are already that person.


Nie Qingming thanked him.

"You are wearing my clothes...Be careful not to break it!"

Yao Yao's makeup has been put on, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Nie Qingming put on the skirt she sponsored, and her eyebrows frowned.

She has a lot of skirts, and they don’t like the ones she sponsored.

For example, she would buy the same skirt and several colors.

Like the dress worn by Nie Qingming, she had long liked black and blue, but she didn't like the white one.

Although it was a sponsorship, she took out the skirt, and she wouldn't ask for it anymore.

The first is that she doesn't like it, and the second is that they are all worn by others, so she doesn't want it.

Now I say that to Nie Qingming, but I still don't like Nie Qingming.

It's really annoying to wear this skirt even better than what she is wearing.

She ate dinner with Shiwei last night. You know, when she talks to Shiwei, Shiwei is always ignorant.

That's why she didn't like this Nie Qingming even more.

"It turned out to be Miss Yao's, I will take care to ensure that when Miss Yao wears it again, there will be no damage!"

Nie Qingming said quickly.

She naturally heard that Yao Yao was taking Joe with herself, anyway, this drama has already been signed.

Because it is filmed and broadcast live, the terms of the contract are very rigorous.

If one party breaks the contract, at least one hundred times the liquidated damages must be compensated.

So now Nie Qingming doesn't care, Yao Yao is deliberately provoking, and she is unwilling to bear it.

If she was willing, she would spend a few million to send herself away. If she didn't make a movie, she made so much money, so she made it.

Yao Yao's expression changed as soon as she heard what Nie Qingming was saying now.

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