Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2897: My father is a traitor 55

Wei Lian'er was still screaming heartbreakingly, and she watched a lot of blood-red bugs crawling out of her stomach.

Round, dark eyes, red mouth-open, fangs will be exposed.


Wei Lian'er really didn't expect that these things would crawl out of her stomach, and she yelled right now.

These red bugs crawled out of her belly and ate her bit by bit.


Inside the big belly, these are all pretending, she kept screaming, she kept rolling.

The flesh on his body was also swallowed by the whole bug bit by bit.

Qi Ming just stood there, watching Wei Lian'er's body, bit by bite.

Wei Lian'er kept screaming from the beginning, but afterwards, there was no sound anymore.

These blood-red worms have chewed her body full of holes.

Soon, Wei Lian'er's body disappeared.

After the blood worms swallowed Wei Lian'er's body, they turned into a pool of blood.

Wei Lian'er has disappeared.

Qi Ming walked out, the expression on his face was indifferent, as if he hadn't been infected by all that just now.

When he walked out of this yard, he threw a few torches aside into Wei Lian'er's yard.

Seeing the yard burned by the raging fire, Qi Ming's expression became even more faint.

He turned slightly, and looked at the moon on the other side.

"Lady...I only avenged you until now!"

He looked at the moon and murmured something in his mouth.

Slowly, he then moved to the other side and paced.

Qi Qingming also received news at this time.

There was a big fire in Wei Lian'er's yard, and Qi Ming also ordered that no one should go to fight the fire.

Just to make the yard burned completely.

"It is said that when the fire started, there were heart-piercing cries in the yard."

Qingmei was in her ear again, speaking aloud.


Qi Qingming nodded, knowing now.

"Order to go down, don't let people talk nonsense, if you hear some gossip in the mansion, weigh it yourself!"

Qi Qingming said to Qingmei again.

"Yes, the slave and maid will tell you to go down tomorrow."

Qingmei nodded quickly.

Qingmei is the son of a housekeeper, and their family is very famous in Xiangfu.

What's more, people who can be in Xiangfu feel that there is light on their faces, and everyone in the world knows it. In private, this is already the prime minister's world.

In Xiangfu, you can eat well, dress well, and earn a lot. Going out is also alive and well, and no one dares to provoke them.

Of course, the tree attracts the wind, and the Xiangfu is so hanging, naturally, there are still people who want to infiltrate the Xiangfu.

Someone must have been betrayed, and in the end, the betrayer was directly overwhelmed, and the whole family was dead.

Anyway, that's the sentence, if you are in Xiangfu, you must follow the rules of Xiangfu.

All things are prosperous, and all things are lost.

If you do something that violates Xiangfu, you will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, no matter what happens in Xiangfu, no one will spread it out.

Xiangfu is like an iron bucket, unbreakable.

Qingmei went down, and Qi Qingming stood in front of the window, looking at the leaves rustled by the wind outside.

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