Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1666: Mausoleum Keeper 38

Right now, Yuan Qingming's body was completely taut.

This inner hall was very spacious. She had just looked down at it, and there was no one in the place where she retreated.

But what is this obstacle now? ?

For an instant, Yuan Qingming's heartbeat seemed to stop beating.

She turned her body abruptly and saw that Wu Zetian was already standing behind her again.

Since there was still a hint of surprise in the weird red pupils.

"There are still fish that slip through the net!?"

Wu Zetian snorted coldly, and immediately grabbed Yuan Qingming's throat.

Yuan Qingming wanted to dodge, but she was all over her body. At this moment, she couldn't get it up with any strength.

I only felt it in my throat, as if being burned by flames.

In my mind, there is also a moment of clarity, a moment of chaos, and the breath in the mouth, and there is also a meal.

Is she going to die?

Yuan Qingming thought so, just before she was about to lose consciousness completely, Wu Zetian suddenly let go of her hand.


She began to scream in pain in her ears.

Yuan Qingming was weak all over, even now, it seemed that something big had happened.

She couldn't even open her eyelids.

She opened her eyes hard, very hard.

It was just a gap. In this gap, she saw that Wu Zetian's forehead had been affixed with a talisman.

She opened her eyes hard again, looking at everything in front of her.

The talisman was pasted on Wu Zetian's forehead, and he couldn't move it anyway.

Her expression was very painful, until the golden light on the talisman seal completely entered her body, and she collapsed to the ground.

Yuan Qingming slumped to the ground, and she could see that there was a familiar figure in front of her, carrying Wu Zetian's body onto the bed.

Yuan Qingming closed his eyes again. At this time, he wanted to run his mind so that he could absorb it quickly and stand up.

Who knows, as soon as this mental method started, I felt a tingling sensation in the dantian.

It seems that if you continue to work like this, you are about to burst and die.

She quickly converged, and she didn't dare to use her inner strength mental method anymore.

At this time, it should be the person who took Wu Zetian's body back to the bed, and came back.

He walked to Yuan Qingming's side and squatted down.

Taking out the dagger, he cut his wrist.

He dripped his own blood into Yuan Qingming's mouth.

Yuan Qingming felt a burst of blood, drinking human blood?

It feels really bad, she feels a little nauseous.

But after the blood was drunk, the whole body seemed to have strength again.

After waiting until the person in front of him evacuated his wrist, Yuan Qingming heard the sound of tearing the cloth.

He should be bandaging the wound, and then Yuan Qingming felt his lips itchy again.

He was using something, wiping her lips.

Finally, there seemed to be some strength in his body, and Yuan Qingming opened his eyes.

Surprisingly, he saw the person standing in front of him, who turned out to be Yuan Tianlan.

Yuan Qingming's **** father,


Seeing Yuan Qingming opened his eyes, Yuan Tianlan called her name excitedly.

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