Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1637: Tomb Watcher 9

In addition, with regard to Li Qingfeng... he is already familiar with these things, and there will be a solution later.

Thinking of this, the smile on Luo Manxue's face became even more coquettish.

At this moment, the monkey spirit standing aside, seeing this happening there, smiled calmly, glanced at Yuan Qingming slightly, and said nothing.

It's just in the eyes, that is naked desire-hope.

However, before Li Qingfeng didn't instruct anything, he still didn't dare to do anything.

However, Fat San did not notice the small movements between these people at all, and still leisurely sorted out the equipment, preparing for Li Qingfeng to speak, and set off.

The ghostly person who was like a shadow just stood beside Luo Manxue, feeling the kind of anger in Luo Manxue's heart, he also glanced at Yuan Qingming slightly.

"Let’s go, I don’t know how much there is to go, Qingming, you can lead the way! We are all grasshoppers on a rope now, and then we will get the treasure together and go out to enjoy a good life together!"

Li Qingfeng stretched out his hand and gently squeezed Yuan Qingming's hand.

Yuan Qingming nodded, and now they have reached this point. If she doesn't send them to the tomb, how can they live in it for a long time.

Everyone walked out of this stone room, and then went to the previous door.

Li Qingfeng stretched out his hand on the door and pressed it lightly.

"There seems to be a formation in this. We couldn't get in at all before, so now we have to come out again."

As Li Qingfeng said, he glanced at Yuan Qingming helplessly.


Yuan Qingming didn't want to talk to him more, but only faintly responded.

"Okay, let's go in!"

The monkey Jing clapped his hands, and Yuan Qingming and Luo Manxue walked first, the monkey Jing and Li Qingfeng walked in the center, and the ghost and the fat three were at the end.

It is clear that it is just a long tomb passage, and there is no end in sight where the flashlight can reach. According to the information uploaded by the ancestors, the tomb passage should be about 5 kilometers in length and continue under the Qianling Reservoir.

Just walking forward like this for a while, Yuan Qingming stopped.

"Here we have to go over one by one, follow me and watch my steps!"

As Yuan Qingming said, he stepped forward and walked forward.

Following Yuan Qingming's steps, Luo Manxue also walked out immediately.

They were all senior tomb robbers, and they hadn't seen anything before. At this time, they continued to move forward in an orderly manner.

The speed of the group is not very fast, although Yuan Qingming told them that there are no traps in the tomb passage, and the first barrier is under the Qianling Reservoir, which is the real tomb gate of Qianling. But they are obviously not quite sure what Yuan Qingming said, they are going along the way in an orderly way, for fear that they will die before the teacher leaves.

Yuan Qingming basically didn't go to see the distance under his feet, after all, this place was already in his head, and he didn't know how many times he had gone through it.

She walked in the front, and the people behind her naturally couldn't see the expression on her face.

The corner of Yuan Qingming's mouth raised a smile.

Everything is going on according to her thoughts.

How could she not know these people, those horrible ideas in her heart?

The cloth just now was nothing more than a simple thing, and it was broken after adding my own internal force.

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