Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1628: Run, girl 82

This kind of person, he deserves it!

If it were, her heart was a little better at the beginning, this kind of thing would not happen.

Wang Qingming took a look, then went back to the store.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for the exam. Wang Qingming didn't take any elective courses, and finally ranked first.

Seeing that Wang Qingming didn't go to class and was still the first place, the Queen Mother would not even say anything.

Wang Qingming looked at the Queen Mother, and it seemed that she was much younger in this period of time.

People are a little fatter, and they look very good.

On this day, Wang Qingming received a call from Teacher Zhao, saying that it was her birthday and wanted to see Wang Qingming very much.

For Teacher Zhao’s birthday, Wang Qingming will go anyway.

Wan Junhao also went with her, saying that the two of them wanted to review together those things that happened before.

Since neither of them had reached their age and neither had a driver’s license, the two of them still went back in the car.

When Wang Qingming was walking on the road, he suddenly passed a famous store. At this time, a luxury car stopped beside her.

Coming out of the car, a charming woman!

It's Anna!

She also noticed Wang Qingming, but her expression did not change in any way.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked into that famous store from Wang Qingming's side with an elegant temperament.

"Why do you envy people who are more feminine than you?"

Seeing her gaze, Wan Junhao had been staring at a woman, and instantly felt very inexplicable.

Listening to what he said, Wang Qingming couldn't help but laughed again. She looked inside the glass window again and pulled Wan Junhao away.

No matter what happened to Anna in the past two years, as long as you know that she is still pretty good now, that's enough.

As Wang Qingming and Wan Junhao were leaving, Anna looked out from the inside.

That kid, has become so beautiful now? ?


Finally returned to that small town, Wang Qingming felt that his breathing was a little different.

I came to Zhao Guiqing's home at noon and had a good meal. During the dinner, Teacher Zhao told Wang Qingming about the king's father.

It turns out that the royal father died last year.

Because he was lame, plus he was lazy, and he was begging outside. By chance one day, he was knocked down by a car. In fact, there was nothing wrong with him, but he still blackmailed people a sum of money.

It was such a sum of money that gave the Prince a taste of the sweetness, and he began to touch porcelain everywhere, earning some conscience money.

If you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter ghosts.

In one touch of porcelain, he was hit to death by others.

Hearing the news of the death of the king's father, Wang Qingming didn't feel at all. It's not easy for this kind of scourge to survive to the present.

Accompanying Teacher Zhao, he talked and laughed for a while. After lunch, Wang Qingming left with Wan Junhao.

The two of them were walking on the road, just like they were back then.

while walking.


"Qing Ming!"

A shout came from behind.

This voice has some familiarity.

Wang Qingming turned around and saw Zhou Xia.

At that time, I was in the dormitory, the only friend I could talk to.

But at that time, after I no longer live in school, after adding that the two people were not in the same class, there were fewer walking around.

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