Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1626: Run, girl 80

Reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Wang Qingming... I want you to wait for me!"

Then he yelled again.

Wang Qingming moved from Jiang Sitian's shocked expression to the face of the man in front of him.

This person... is Wan Junhao! !

Although time has passed for two years, the shadow of that young boy can still be seen from his face.

"Very well, you still remember me!!"

Wan Junhao took Wang Qingming's hand and walked to one side.

Jiang Sitian's eyes widened, followed behind them step by step.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Qingming struggled to free himself from the control of Wan Junhao's hand, but he did not expect that the strength in his hand would be so great.

It took a lot of strength to get rid of Wan Junhao.

"I miss you!"

Wan Junhao suddenly became affectionate again.

"I miss you!"

She added another sentence.

Wang Qingming remembered that for the last time, the painting book he gave to himself was his painting of himself.

I have never lost it.

"That time, after I left, I was only going to study abroad for two years, and when I was in high school, I came back again...Who knew that when I went abroad, I contracted a disease, almost died, and was quarantined again. On the island, while drinking unpalatable Chinese medicine, while soaking in the medicinal bath, while practicing with the master, the past two years have been very difficult. Whenever I can’t make it through, I start to draw you... One One sheet... countless sheets..."

Wan Junhao watched Wang Qingming describe what happened in the past two years.

Wang Qingming was very shocked in his heart. He did not expect that so many things would happen to him.

Actually, in the past two years, my appearance has changed greatly.

I was very thin two years ago, but now I am tall.

My skin was yellowing two years ago, but now I am a little fair.

However, when he saw himself, he recognized himself.

Could it be because... he used to look at himself too much, and then he kept painting himself, so that he recognized himself at such a glance.

It is impossible to say not to be moved, but it is also impossible to say to accept it now.

Embarrassment, yes...just embarrassment.

Wan Junhao looked at her, while Jiang Sitian was also looking at her with interest.

As if they were waiting for her to say something, Wang Qingming was very distressed at this time. At this time, what should he say?

Is it possible to ask him, HI, do you still remember the incident of eating cold skin with you that year?

Nima, it's really low.

After thinking about it, Wang Qingming's sight stayed on Jiang Sitian again.

"Then she..."

"She is my cousin, you can leave her alone... I want to ask you, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

With a word, Wan Junhao threw Jiang Sitian's affairs out of the sky.

The direct thing was a blast of thunder, thrown in front of Wang Qingming.


"Brother, would you chase girls? If you have nothing, just confess, Qingming will leave with you, when are girls so cheap!"

Jiang Sitian snorted coldly and pulled Wang Qingming away.

After finally leaving Wan Junhao's fiery-hot encirclement, Wang Qingming felt a little more comfortable in his heart.

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