Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1623: Run, girl 77

Wang Qingming had been upstairs, looking at Wei Qianye's figure, until he couldn't see it, then he turned and left.

She was walking down the stairs. At this moment, the phone rang.

She just answered the phone, and her mother's hurried voice came from the other side.

"Qingming, come here quickly, someone suddenly foamed at the mouth while eating!"

Wang Qingming frowned, and rushed to the store immediately.

Sure enough, Li Jiao, who was lying on the ground, was foaming at her mouth.

At this moment, Wang Qingming saw that someone was sneaking and trying to take Li Jiao's bowl away.

She hurriedly walked over, stretched out her hand and strangled the wrist, and the bowl Li Jiao was eating landed on the table again.

There was also some porridge, which came out from the mouth of the bowl.

"Did Mom get an ambulance?"

Wang Qingming held the man's hand and never let go.

"Already hit!"

The anxious face of the Queen Mother turned pale, and cold sweat ran down her forehead.

"Mom is calling the police—"

Wang Qingming said again. At this time, the Queen Mother quickly called the police station again.

"Oh, it's horrible here!"

At this time, a person walked in from the outside, his eyes just saw the people on the ground, he ran out hastily, and shouted loudly.

After a while, the door of the congee shop was full of people.

The gate was blocked by water.

"Hey, can you let me go!"

The girl who was caught by Wang Qingming said coldly.

"Let go of you and wait until the police arrive! I can see what you did just now!"

Wang Qingming sneered.

She raised her head again and looked at the helper Xiao Zhao who was standing on the other side.

"Xiao Zhao, show me the door of the kitchen, don't let anyone in."


Xiao Zhao was also clever, and immediately closed the kitchen door tightly, and then stuffed the key into the shoe.

Looking at Xiao Zhao's posture, Wang Qingming was also speechless for a while.

Finally, helplessly, he stopped talking. After waiting for a while, the police did not wait.

Li Jiao's mother rushed over.

"My Jiaojiao!"

As soon as she walked in, Li Jiao's mother was crying for a while.

She was crying here, kneeling and sitting beside Li Jiao.

This kind of sad crying is really disgusting.

When Wang Qingming looked at Li Jiao's mother like this, he knew it clearly in his heart.

Looking at her at this time, it was obvious that she had discussed everything with Li Jiao before.

"This is a harmful shop!"

Suddenly, Li Jiao's mother went crazy, stood up abruptly, and pushed everything on the table to the ground.

Wang Qingming just looked at her faintly, Li Jiao's mother suddenly walked to Wang Qingming's side, her eyes seemed to stay very anxiously on the person Wang Qingming was holding.

Wang Qingming watched her rush towards him, but actually wanted to take advantage of the chaos and let the people who were freely holding them free.

Since this person is so important, how can Wang Qingming let go.

Just when Wang Jiao's mother was about to rush over, Wang Qingming kicked her aside with one kick.

The shop is even more messy.

The ambulance came at this time, Li Jiao was taken away, and Li Jiao's mother left with bitterness.

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