Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1621: Run, girl 75

So Wei Qianye had to use one hand to cover his lower body, and ran outside step by step.

It was really too far to run. At this time, Wei Qianye also deeply regretted that the place he came was really too far.

However, on the campus... such a streaking was still discovered.

The girl's screams were wave after wave.

When Wei Qianye returned to his dormitory and took a shower and put on clothes, he was still called by the school leader.

To say that he runs naked like this is really unscrupulous.

No matter how Wei Qianye explained it, there was no way.

I remembered it once and went back.

The video of Wei Qianye running naked has also become a kind of joke in the school.

In short, everyone's mobile phone must have played Wei Qianye streaking.

After Wei Qianye passed this time, since he dared not go to the river bank, he even panicked about the river bank.

I dare not go where there is no one.

So he went to the library, but he was tired from reading, and when he woke up, everyone around him was gone, and his clothes were gone.

As a result, Wei Qianye streaked again.

The school called Wei Qianye over again. Wei Qianye cried and said that he was stripped naked.

Wei Qianye felt that there was no camera by the river, but there was a camera in the library.

So... I asked the school to call out the video.

Who knew that the place where Wei Qianye was sitting was still a blind spot in the camera, and nothing was taken at all.

As a result, Wei Qianye was speechless again.

Then, it was recorded again.

Wei Qianye was angrily sitting on the bench inside the school, and people passing by kept pointing at him and pointing at him.

Haha, Wei Qianye sneered in his heart for a while. He hadn't been famous for wanting to go out before, but now he has become the famous streaking king of the school.

In Wei Qianye's heart, there was endless hatred for Wang Qingming.

At the moment, without even thinking about it, he went downstairs to Wang Qingming's dormitory.

She asked Auntie Sheguan to go up and call Wang Qingming. Seeing that she was the streaking king, she was very worried that Wang Qingming could meet him like this.

But when the auntie in charge called Wang Qingming down, she suddenly had a stomach trouble, and she went to the bathroom with pain.

When he went to the bathroom, he stared at Wei Qianye.

Wei Qianye is actually very uncomfortable in his heart, my God, being with Wang Qingming, it's obviously he is relatively unlucky.

But the auntie ward had already left, and Wei Qianye and Wang Qingming were face to face again. The appearance of the two of them made Wei Qianye's heart tremble even more.

"Wang Qingming, you brazen woman, what are you going to do?"

Finally, with a sigh of relief, Wei Qianye cursed loudly.

Wang Qingming glanced at him coldly, then turned his gaze to the camera on one side.

Then she turned around again and walked under the plane tree on one side.

The plane trees here are luxuriantly branched and can hide a lot of things.

She stood below, and no one upstairs would see it.

"What's your face—"

Wei Qianye chased after him, originally he was very afraid of Wang Qingming, but at this time Wang Qingming's expression hurt his brain again.

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