Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1617: Run, girl 71

"This name is the same as the first student admitted to the school this year. It looks like you are also a child, so wouldn't it be you?"

One of the judges suddenly watched Wang Qingming say something like this.

"Well, I am."

Wang Qingming nodded, took the things in their hands, and left.

Several judges stood together again, sighing.

I really can't tell that the things Xueba makes are so delicious.

Wang Qingming took the key and went to the shop, and found that the original shop was the kind of antique shop, and it was originally decorated very well.

At that time, just add a little bit and it will be fine.

But in order to give others a different feeling, it still needs to be modified.

Wang Qingming looked at this upstairs again, it was a place for people to live in.

In short, after watching a circle, I am still very satisfied. Mom can move in after a while, and then live upstairs.

She closed the door, and went out to find the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother knew that when she got the storefront in advance, she was still a little bit unbelievable. It was only when Wang Qingming took out the key that she smiled in surprise.

The Queen Mother was originally a part-time job at the Express Hotel, but now she is gone, she was given money and left.

It happened to be the weekend, and they also handed over the house to the couple.

I didn't arrive for a month, and I was also given a month's money.

After that, Wang Qingming took the queen mother into the shop again. When she saw the device upstairs, the queen mother was still very satisfied.

She looked around and it was really good.

Country folks, when they live in the country, the place is very big, the sky is far away.

The more you get into the city, the smaller the place you live in.

When I was young, I felt depressed in my heart for a while, and there was an unspeakable feeling in my heart. In short, it was very uncomfortable.

"It's really good here!"

The Queen Mother looked upstairs, she was very satisfied.

Some of the places where they live, but no one can compare here.

"Yes, buy the refrigerator air conditioner in the future, and we will buy some porridge pot."

Wang Qingming carefully counted the things he wanted to buy later.

"Okay, let's go now!"

The Queen Mother’s thought was that since the store got it in advance, she should do it ahead of time and engrave it earlier to make money, isn’t it?


In the following days, the Queen Mother and Wang Qingming kept running in this city.

All the utensils in the house should be bought.

Especially, the pot for making porridge must be good, otherwise the porridge will not taste smooth.

Wang Qingming has already thought about it. In the future, this congee shop will follow the high-end route, and all congee must be first-class.

Anyway, isn't this school aristocratic college?

One day, only ten casseroles of each type of porridge were sold, and the store was closed when they were sold out.

There must be a lot of people who come to eat things naturally.

Wang Qingming is very satisfied with her cooking skills. She believes that people who come here naturally must be unafraid.

When the Queen Mother heard what Wang Qingming said, she was naturally unwilling. She had never heard of such a business.

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