Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1390: The female protagonist of eschatology 38

But... she didn't want to drag it, it was even worse.

"Continue with this story first!"

Ji Zexi's fingers moved slightly.

The plot began again, and the people around gradually moved.


Looking at Ji Zexi's back, An Qingming called him out.


Ji Zexi turned her head slightly and looked towards An Qingming.

"what's the matter?"

He asked.

"Can you... Don't embarrass A Jin..."

An Qingming said softly.

Ji Zexi's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Seeing Ji Zexi's eyes, An Qingming's heart suddenly shuddered.

I seem to have said something wrong.

But in the next second, Ji Zexi laughed at herself, "It turns out that I am such a person in your eyes!"

After speaking, Ji Zexi turned around and left.

His shoes are very heavy on the ground.

The sound of that sound was like stepping on An Qingming's heart.

An Qingming frowned and took a deep breath.

Girls, it seems that someone really likes them.

But after having a beloved person, and having a good-quality person to like you, you will feel that it is a rotten peach blossom.

Although Ji Zexi is a very good man...a noble man...a man who can even call the wind and rain...


An Qingming's heart is very tangled.

The more at this time, she couldn't contain herself to miss A Jin.

From those five daily missions, I have never encountered A Jin again... It's just that after this mission is over, can I ask Ji Zexi about A Jin.

Thinking of this question, An Qingming's head was about to blow up. All this is really messy.

There was an unspeakable boredom in my heart.

"Qingming, why are you standing here in a daze?"

Ye Caini walked to her side and asked her aloud.


An Qingming shook her head and looked at Ye Caini with a slight smile.

At this time, Ye Caini didn't study her current strangeness.

He just pulled An Qingming to the side and asked her in a low voice, "Qingming, do you think that man is a little weird?"


An Qingming was startled slightly, she knew that she was talking about Ji Zexi.

"I always feel that he is a mysterious person, and he is inexplicably strange!"

After saying this, Ye Caini still had that surprised look on her face.

"You think too much! Just like we have supernatural powers, he may have other magical powers than us! Besides, before entering the end times, have you ever thought that there will be zombies? We will have Ability?"

Listening to An Qingming's words, Ye Caini was startled for a while, and then nodded heavily.

"you are right!"

Following An Qingming's words, Ye Caini's suspicion of Ji Zexi slowly dissipated.

The current world is originally a strange world. No one knows what will happen. No one knows.

"Let's go over there together!"

As soon as An Qingming calms down now, he will think wildly. At this time, it is better to wait to go to Tong Su's side.

Sitting in the crowd, listening to their words, An Qingming still felt that there was no way to calm down.

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