Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1386: The female lead of the eschatology 34

The two of them ate and rested for a while before they went out again.

Xiao Xia and others still walked not far or near.

An Qingming and the others also found a city at this time.

Fortunately, in this city, it was not occupied by zombies. Although it was said that... there would be no electricity or something in it, but it was still possible to live, but it was a slightly older way of life.

It's much better to compare the life of having three meals outside.

An Qingming and the others are all supernatural beings, so when they enter, the people inside are also very welcome.

After all, this kind of apocalypse, everyone can get along together, it's already very good.

Although this city is temporarily safe, I don't know when zombies will come over. Although there are still a lot of people, there are also many groups of zombies.

No one knows what will happen in the future, so everything is better to plan ahead.

An Qingming and the others stayed in this city.

In this city, everyone is a superpower, and more of them are individual teams.

Whenever something happened, it was a very democratic beginning to vote for the right one.

An Qingming and the others are a small team. After they stayed, they were assigned to a big tent, as well as three bags of compressed biscuits and two bottles of water.

Several people crowded into the tent, and after sharing their food, they lay down in the tent and fell asleep deeply.

I stayed here so quietly for several days, but nothing happened.

Their team had been patrolling for two nights anyway, but it was safe and sound.

On this day, at night, everyone lay in the tent again and began to sleep.

Not long after he fell asleep, he heard a loud noise coming from outside.

An Qingming opened his eyes, and several people sat up at the same time, exchanged glances, and walked out one after another.

"what's going on?"

An Qingming grabbed a person and asked aloud.

"The three people who just came in are actually infected. They are all zombies... but they are still human, and they can't be seen very much."

After the man finished speaking, he was still amazed.

"Let's go and see!"

An Qingming continued to run forward again, and walked into the crowd, looking at the people who were besieged in the center.

It's okay not to look at it, and I was shocked when I couldn't help it. These three people... one of them still knew him, and it turned out to be Xiao Xia.

These three people, although they were all lying here, had already been beaten to death.

Without the ups and downs of breathing, I lay here, motionless.

An Qingming watched them carefully, and saw that their appearance was no different from normal people, except that their nails suddenly grew long, and they were still glowing with blue-purple cold light.

Xiao Xia has been infected by zombies, so what about Luo Huanyan! ?

An Qingming frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, she felt that Luo Huanyan must be fine.

In the original plot, it was Luo Huanyan and Lin Rui who harmed themselves, and the two of them are now together again.

If something happens to the two of them, his mission should be completed.

If his task is not completed, then the two of them must have nothing to do with them.

"Xiao Xia is dead!"

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