Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1352: Female eschatological heroine 1

Ning's death, the deepest hatred of the original owner, also disappeared.

Now, the identity of Qian's family is rising, Qianjiao is also married to a good family, and Ye Qingming and Qianlingye are also sweet.

One day, Ye Qingming was diagnosed as pregnant.

The whole family was overjoyed. At night, Ye Qingming heard a mechanical voice in his mind.

"The universe has moved greatly, use OR and don't use it!"

Ye Qingming directly clicked to use it.

Her soul was directly drawn out of her body, Ji Ming looked at everything below with a smile, and quickly arrived at Ji Zexi's room.

Still sitting on the carpet, her fingers were completely supported on the furry carpet.

"You have completed the task!"

Ji Zexi walked slowly to her side and stretched out a hand towards her.


Just dizzy for a few seconds, Ji Qingming got up from the ground.

"Are you going for a walk first?"

Ji Zexi's gaze turned to one side of the window again.

Ji Qingming also looked over.

Outside the window, the sun is shining, the spring is bright, everything is dreamlike.

"not going!"

Ji Qingming shook her head, although she wanted to see the world she lived in.

As she kept passing through, she had forgotten the fact that she was still alive.

However, she didn't have time to waste anything, after all, after finishing these plot tasks, she could return to her own world and complete her life again.

In this new life, she may not have any skills, and she must do some things well and not make herself regret it.

In addition, when she comes to the world that belongs to her, she can truly be with Sang Jin.

Hearing Ji Qingming's words at this time, Ji Zexi was slightly startled, she turned out to be rejected.


Ji Zexi asked aloud.

"There is no why!"

Ji Qingming shook his head and stopped talking.

"Then do you want to continue to the next plot?"

Ji Zexi asked aloud.


Ji Qingming nodded, she didn't want to waste time at this moment.

Ji Zexi glanced at her with deep eyes, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Reaching out her hand and moving it lightly, Ji Qingming's whole body turned around, and after that, she disappeared.

Looking at Ji Qingming's body, she lay softly on the carpet. As the soul went out, her eyes were tightly closed at this time, as if she was asleep.

The way she fell asleep seemed to have a lot less edges and corners than when she woke up, and the whole person looked soft and soft.

"I like you!"

Looking at Ji Qingming's face, Ji Zexi said affectionately.

At this time, the curtains were blown by the wind, and I looked vaguely at the grass outside the window, all of which were piled with roses in various shapes.

But... that person still doesn't know...

When Ji Qingming opened his eyes, he was in a bumpy car.

The car seemed to be galloping, Ji Qingming only felt that his body was stunned, and inside his chest and abdomen, there was a feeling of heart.

Because it was night, she couldn't see anything clearly, and listening to the heavy breathing around her, she could feel that there were several people in this carriage.

Ji Qingming closed his eyes, waited for a while, and found that this time is also very suitable to go through the plot first.

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